I need new music

NineFeetUnderground said:
i wouldnt say ulver is a prog band.

If Ulver isn't PROGRESSIVE, then I'm not sure you know what PROGRESSIVE means. Seriously, what band has gone through such radical transformations, putting out extremely good albums for every style they touch on (Black metal: Bergtatt, Folk: Kveldssanger, Electronic: Perdition City).

If by progressive, you mean they sound like every prog band from the 60's, then no, they are not progressive. Their style has, however, most definitly progressed, and I think they've really pushed a lot of boundaries, which is what progressive music is all about.
Along the same lines as checking out influential bands like Celtic Frost, there are another 2 that you should look at:

Pentagram (Chilean one) and Nihilist (Swe).

Both bands had a massive influence on many of the bands you will probably already listen to.
ænimated said:
Minus Blood Inside, I'd call it ambient.


ok, anyway....

Ulvers post nattens madrigal material ranges anywhere from Rock/Electronic fusion and experimental music, to Trip Hop, Ambient soundscapes, Film score/amateur classical composition and various other electronic and or instrumental works with and without vocals.

To pigeonhole them with one word like "ambient", would be like trying to describe Opeth as "ya know...like metal".
A question to those of you who don't consider Ulver progressive: Do you consider Opeth progressive? If you do, you deserve a swift kick in the testes.
saut said:
A question to those of you who don't consider Ulver progressive: Do you consider Opeth progressive? If you do, you deserve a swift kick in the testes.

You're equivocating between 'progressive' as a genre modifier and as a general adjective.

Ulver is progressive. Ulver is not progressive rock, or progressive metal, or progressive <any genre>.
Shadows Skulk said:
You're equivocating between 'progressive' as a genre modifier and as a general adjective.

Ulver is progressive. Ulver is not progressive rock, or progressive metal, or progressive <any genre>.

Right. What were we arguing about, then?
saut said:
If Ulver isn't PROGRESSIVE, then I'm not sure you know what PROGRESSIVE means. Seriously, what band has gone through such radical transformations, putting out extremely good albums for every style they touch on (Black metal: Bergtatt, Folk: Kveldssanger, Electronic: Perdition City).

If by progressive, you mean they sound like every prog band from the 60's, then no, they are not progressive. Their style has, however, most definitly progressed, and I think they've really pushed a lot of boundaries, which is what progressive music is all about.

dont be an idiot kid. The guy wasnt referring to the term progressive in the literal sense. I know what progression is, the band has OBVIOUSLY progressed in style, maturity and whatever else over the years...but the music itself wouldnt fit in a general "prog" genre tag. thats all i was saying.

please refrain from preaching to me about the word progressive...you will be getting nowhere. thank you
NFU said he wouldn't call Ulver a prog band, using the term as a genre modifier. You responded by referencing the word progressive as a general adjective.
That's where the equivocation fallacy took place.
Blackhorse_Experience said:
Ok.. I've been listening to the same stuff for a while now and I need some new music suggestions. I had a thread like this about progressive stuff but I'm lazy and didn't write down the band names. I think NFU recommended some (Nektar, Van der graaf generator). I forgot that the damn search function was gone and I cant look up my old posts. So.. I would like some suggestions not only in prog, but also some new death and black metal, and even some rock or pop that is good.

Right now I don't know much about the whole prog scene. I have some Floyd, Camel, Yes.. stuff like that. What else should I get? Stuff that I wont have to go searching like crazy for on eBay or something..

I've got tons of death but lately I have been disappointed with many of the albums I've gotten. My fav death bands are Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Decapitated, Nile, Crypstopsy, Morbid Angel, etc etc. I need some good new death.

As for the black metal, I like old Arcturus and Ulver, Darkthrone, Immortal, Emperor.. and thats about all I really enjoy. Mayhem and Burzum are ok at best to me. Maybe I've been looking in the wrong places, but the other BM stuff people have recommended to me is just terrible (Gorgoroth). What should I check out?

And as for pop and rock. I like Porcupine Tree like most of the folks here as well as a bunch of classic rock and stuff. I was told to check out Pineapple Theif and some other bands like that? What do you guys think I should check out? Any recommendeations in these genres would be appreciated..

If your into some extreme music or if you just wanna laugh a little you should listen to Anaal Nathrakh.... Their vocalist passed out while recording... That gives you an idea... Well check'em out tell me what think... oohh and dude... Really like your Opeth collection you fucking rule....
NineFeetUnderground said:
dont be an idiot kid. The guy wasnt referring to the term progressive in the literal sense. I know what progression is, the band has OBVIOUSLY progressed in style, maturity and whatever else over the years...but the music itself wouldnt fit in a general "prog" genre tag. thats all i was saying.

please refrain from preaching to me about the word progressive...you will be getting nowhere. thank you

It seems pretty stupid to give progressive music such tight restrictions. Doesn't that sort of, like, hinder progress? Correct me if I'm wrong, but at its most basic definition, progressive music is just a combination of several genres (which initially were classical, jazz, rock, and folk). I've just updated my defintion to include contemporary genres (like metal and electronic music). If you look at most of Ulver's music, you can definitly see all those genres in use (well, maybe not jazz so much).

I guess we just have different ideas about what it means when music is "prog."
saut said:
It seems pretty stupid to give progressive music such tight restrictions. Doesn't that sort of, like, hinder progress? Correct me if I'm wrong, but at its most basic definition, progressive music is just a combination of several genres (which initially were classical, jazz, rock, and folk). I've just updated my defintion to include contemporary genres (like metal and electronic music). If you look at most of Ulver's music, you can definitly see all those genres in use (well, maybe not jazz so much).

I guess we just have different ideas about what it means when music is "prog."

no, youre just being stupid still.

call it progressive ELECTRONIC then, or progessive METAL, or progressive JAZZ or progressive COUNTRY BASED SCAT PORN.

but to simply say "Ulver - prog" means absolutely nothing and isnt in the least bit descriptive of the type of music theyve been playing for the last 8 years.
NineFeetUnderground said:
To pigeonhole them with one word like "ambient", would be like trying to describe Opeth as "ya know...like metal".
That's right, Opeth are extreme progressive forest death metal.
How can none of you list Neurosis?? Check out Neurosis too. I would consider them progressive atmospheric sludgy sometimes ambient dark heavy metal. At least their past few albums... which I like more than their older stuff. But their older stuff is great too. Isis are kind of in the same boat, but haven't been around nearly as long. I will have to check out this Orphaned Land band.. they sound interesting.. OH by the way.. Neurosis's Sun that Never Sets DVD is amazing! It's one of their albums in its entirety with trippy ass visuals and video and stuff. AND check out the singer Steve Von Till's solo stuff. Its mostly mellow acoustic dark folk. I would ALMOST compare it to Nick Drake, but not really. Nick Drake is badass too.
by the way.. Symphony X, Fates Warning, Liquid Tension Experiment, Shadow Gallery(new cd coming out soon), and Spock's Beard are my favorite prog-metal bands. dream theater used to be one of them too, but I don't like mike portnoy anymore because he's too arrogant for me. and i've had it with james labrie's silly school girl like vocals. and awkward limp wristed head banging moments when the rest of the band is jamming. i think i might have even seen him use a tamboreen once on a DVD.
opeth_evan said:
by the way.. Symphony X, Fates Warning, Liquid Tension Experiment, Shadow Gallery(new cd coming out soon), and Spock's Beard are my favorite prog-metal bands. dream theater used to be one of them too, but I don't like mike portnoy anymore because he's too arrogant for me. and i've had it with james labrie's silly school girl like vocals. and awkward limp wristed head banging moments when the rest of the band is jamming. i think i might have even seen him use a tamboreen once on a DVD.

enslaved, opeth, arcturus, cynic, (crimson albums) edge of sanity, ved buens ende >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Symphony X, fates warning, liquid tension experiment, shadow gallery, spocks beard.

if you havent checked those bands out yet.