I Need Some Advice On A Trade...


Mar 16, 2004
I have a 5150 combo with a new set of JJ tubes that I'm looking to trade. I would like to have traded it for a 5150 head but I just got an offer to trade it for a 50 watt Marshall JCM 2000 Super Lead.

I have a Rackmount Recto and a Boogie .50 Caliber but have never owned a Marshall. The only Marshall amp I'm familiar with, soundwise, is the JCM 800. I'm just looking for an amp to compliment the roar of the Recto. I've searched for soundclips but haven't tracked any down.

Any advice?
Blecchhh, JCM2K = poop, especially the TSL; trust me dude, avoid :erk: I've never played one, but I've heard a lot of people attempt to make it sound good, and fail - the best way I can describe my impression of it is "squelchy" on the palm mutes, just very upleasant. An 800 or better yet an Orange (Tiny Terror woot! :D) would be a better bet, I think.
Thanks for the advice. I really just need to trade for a 5150 head. I hate carrying that fucking combo. I'm too old for that shit!

Hey Marcus, I've heard a few of your Orange clips but remember them being a bit more loose than I like. Am I imagining things? I need to dig those clips up. Finding a Tiny Terror will be a chore. I think I'll just keep an eye out for a 5150. It will be a good trade for the right person.

Thanks again.
Well Tiny Terror's are all over ebay, but yeah, as far as a trade goes that'd be another story - and I wouldn't say it's a loose amp; really benefits from a tube screamer, but that creates another issue, namely a bit of a mid overload, at least with my Stiletto cab. But since you have a Rectifier cab, I'd bet that'd sound incredible! My best Tiny Terror clip is still on the soundclick player on my myspace in my sig if you wanna check it out!
Hey Man, I was wrong about the Tiny Terror clips. They have some sort of indescribable thing going on in the mids that gives them a 3 dimensional feel that most amps don't have. Have you done any quad tracking with the Recto and Orange together? I'd love to hear the way they compliment each other.
Hey Obscura, Gorguts ftw

I had a JCM2000 dsl for 4 years and sold it for a Krank which I then sold for a 5150 which I am never selling. If I already had enough money for the Krank I would have been tempted to just smash the Marshall to pieces. What a piece of crap that amp was.
Hey Man, I was wrong about the Tiny Terror clips. They have some sort of indescribable thing going on in the mids that gives them a 3 dimensional feel that most amps don't have. Have you done any quad tracking with the Recto and Orange together? I'd love to hear the way they compliment each other.

Nah, I had to sell the Orange pretty quick after getting the Recto to fund new tires, sadly :( I want another eventually, though! (though a Rev. Jr. is first)
Every time I think about Krank amps I get bummed out. Right after they got caught posting phony reviews on Harmony Central I found out that their artist relations guy was a dude that used to book my band at CBGB's. I contacted him and he said that he would send me an amp to use in the studio and that if it never made it back to them, it would be fine. I kept in touch with him but was still kind of skeptical because of the early controversy with the company and by the time I needed the amp they had blown up and had a shitload of legitimate endorsees. I guess he was eventually replaced but I was so fucking close...

I decided against the 5150 for Marshall trade but now have an opportunity to make a straight trade of my oversized Boogie cab for an Orange loaded with Vintage 30's. I love my Boogie cab but have heard nothing but rave reviews of the Orange. I figure that finding a good deal on another Boogie cab will be easier than finding a good deal on an Orange. Any thoughts?
Every time I think about Krank amps I get bummed out. Right after they got caught posting phony reviews on Harmony Central I found out that their artist relations guy was a dude that used to book my band at CBGB's. I contacted him and he said that he would send me an amp to use in the studio and that if it never made it back to them, it would be fine. I kept in touch with him but was still kind of skeptical because of the early controversy with the company and by the time I needed the amp they had blown up and had a shitload of legitimate endorsees. I guess he was eventually replaced but I was so fucking close...

I decided against the 5150 for Marshall trade but now have an opportunity to make a straight trade of my oversized Boogie cab for an Orange loaded with Vintage 30's. I love my Boogie cab but have heard nothing but rave reviews of the Orange. I figure that finding a good deal on another Boogie cab will be easier than finding a good deal on an Orange. Any thoughts?

If I were you I would throw a mic in front of that orange before I finalized any trades. You might financially be getting the better deal but tonally, it really depends on what type of sound your after. The general consensus is they are a bit dark for modern metal tones. I think the 5150 through that cab might be a bit much but who knows? Use your ears.

With that said, I have to say a 5150 paired with boogie cabs are a proven lethal combo.
I've got a friend using a laney that seems nice but a bit fizzy. I wonder how it would sound through that orange cab...
I've heard a fair amount of clips of Oranges on here (as well as used a few impulses), and they really are so freakin' dark - I'm not sure why, cuz AFAIK they're very similar in construction to most other standard V30 4x12's (Mesa Stiletto, Randall XL, Marshall 1960V, Laney, etc.), with rear-mounted speakers, multi-ply birch, etc., but they seem to have a very distinct sound that I'm not a fan of. You're definitely right that Mesa cabs are WAY cheaper used than Oranges (simply because there are so fucking many of them out there), but I wouldn't do it personally.