I need some new beers.

One Inch Man said:
christ, no shit man. fuck me that was worse than "yeah baby" and "aaaaalllllrightythen" combined. times two. portrayed in theatre by two syphilitic hookers. produced by steve gutenberg. jesus.

Both you AND Lurch are correct. I mean... the show was so fucking popular because he did some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen in my life- and I mean that. Sadly, there are so many people who WANT to be someone who they are not, and well.... just... fuck off to them.

Remember Napolean Dynamite? :erk: Try being in a fucking high school while that movie was popular.... jesus christ- I've never been so close to genocide.
Remember Napolean Dynamite? Try being in a fucking highschool while that movie was popular.... jesus christ- I've never been so close to genocide.

heheheh ... I can just imagine.

let's not forget the "wazzzaup" boys from a few years back ... that summer was insane.
yeah i had a few friends that did the "wazzzzzzzzzup" thing but, it was changed around so strangely that it remained funny for a long time. guy a lived with for awhile would come home and yell "HIHHH NEEEEEEHHHHH!!!" or something equally ridiculous.

thinking about going straight for fuckedupedness tonight, in a stylish way:

So I was talking with my brother today, who has become quite the whisky connoisseur. I told him that I wanted to try some interesting whisky... he busts out entire bottles of-

Maker's Mark
Jim Beam White
Jim Beam Black
Wild Turkey

...and one more I can't remember, because we were pretty fucking hammered by the end of this experience.
you want super evil boner?


this shit is the harshest whiskey i've ever had. feels like foxtails going down the throat, mmm. :zombie:
One Inch Man said:
thinking about going straight for fuckedupedness tonight, in a stylish way:

it rules because i went to the store to get a bottle of this stuff, a very fine aged 100% agave tequila, quite possibly the smoothest i've ever had, with lots of fine character. came home with this:


everyone's favorite $15 panty remover. :rock: