I'm looking for THE amp for myself, I use LTD H-207 with EMG 707's and other 7-strings with Seymours, and I play technical metal.
Here's the problem: I'm fairly convinced that I want a Dual or Triple Rectifier 3-channel (I need the versatility of at least 3 channels) but I've heard some heavy bashing of these later models on this board... I've tried the tripple channel models and I loved the way they sounded and responded (at higher levels... low levels sound pretty horrible). Very tight, clear, HEAVY sound.
What is it about the older 2-channel models that is better? What is it that sucks about the new ones?
Most of you also seem to prefer 5150's these days (mark 1). I have tried a few (as well as mark 2) and I just can't stand the distortion on these things, it sounds like a distortion pedal (all transistor-like); way too much upeer end noise/fizziness.
Either way, the clean don't cut it and there are only two channels... so how does the Tripple X compare?
Next there is the question of ENGL and VHT amps... The music stores in Montreal don't carry these, so I have no opportunity to try them out. How do they compare to the Mesa's (which come the closest to yielding the sound I'm looking for, i.e. something in the range of Loomis's sound on Dead Heart In A Dead World).
And finally... TSL 100 anyone? The other guitarist in my band just bought one and I wasn't very impressed (he will be getting the Voodoo mod soon, though...). I'm curious how the Rectifier (if that's what I get) would mesh with the Marshall; would the Mesa get in the way of the Marshall or is it possible to blend well, let's say in a jam room where there is no mic'ing or mixing to compensate.
I will be getting the Voodoo Amps mod no matter what amp I'm getting, but I really need your advice. I'm strongly leaning toward the newer Mesa Rectifiers (I've also read great reviews about them on Harmony Central...) but I'm concerned by your remarks about these amps...
Thanks for anyone that can help light my way
Here's the problem: I'm fairly convinced that I want a Dual or Triple Rectifier 3-channel (I need the versatility of at least 3 channels) but I've heard some heavy bashing of these later models on this board... I've tried the tripple channel models and I loved the way they sounded and responded (at higher levels... low levels sound pretty horrible). Very tight, clear, HEAVY sound.
What is it about the older 2-channel models that is better? What is it that sucks about the new ones?
Most of you also seem to prefer 5150's these days (mark 1). I have tried a few (as well as mark 2) and I just can't stand the distortion on these things, it sounds like a distortion pedal (all transistor-like); way too much upeer end noise/fizziness.
Either way, the clean don't cut it and there are only two channels... so how does the Tripple X compare?
Next there is the question of ENGL and VHT amps... The music stores in Montreal don't carry these, so I have no opportunity to try them out. How do they compare to the Mesa's (which come the closest to yielding the sound I'm looking for, i.e. something in the range of Loomis's sound on Dead Heart In A Dead World).
And finally... TSL 100 anyone? The other guitarist in my band just bought one and I wasn't very impressed (he will be getting the Voodoo mod soon, though...). I'm curious how the Rectifier (if that's what I get) would mesh with the Marshall; would the Mesa get in the way of the Marshall or is it possible to blend well, let's say in a jam room where there is no mic'ing or mixing to compensate.
I will be getting the Voodoo Amps mod no matter what amp I'm getting, but I really need your advice. I'm strongly leaning toward the newer Mesa Rectifiers (I've also read great reviews about them on Harmony Central...) but I'm concerned by your remarks about these amps...
Thanks for anyone that can help light my way