i sat through an entire movie last night

talking about people called Minies otherwise reffered to as Jackson whites...a group of people on inhabitants of northern NJ know about and understands, so I won't try explaining...but the have the greatest set of slang words and phrases known to man...etc...

The Jackson Whites are an interesting people, that's for sure.
A fake account? So... all Kleo706s are unreal then? Despite their predating the entire UM service in multiple cases?
dear amanda,

for some reason i am sort of happy you chose that movie to watch, although i wish i could have magically altered the media on the tape so that it was THE STREETFIGHTER (1976) or MR VAMPIRE 1; i know that you would have enjoyed either of those so much more.

still, i think this is a good thing.

a partial observer to this thread,
- nick
mr. vampire #1 is a tour de force!

I saw two movies this weekend: Chicago and The Good Girl. Both had actor John C. Reilly as a sad schmuck, albeit one with singing and dancing.
goathorror: i have to go, but
seipptastic: but!?
seipptastic: BUT!!!!
seipptastic: don't leave me hanign
seipptastic: man oh man
seipptastic: you are so leaving me hanging
seipptastic: <--------danglin
seipptastic: you are so out of the will
goathorror signed off at 10:47:53 AM.

Azal and the newspaper crew.

Dood, we had a party at our apt last Oct and about 8 people from my work showed up and the rest were all metalheads (the band Forest of Impaled, Jim & Steve from Fleshgrind/Avernus, guys from Gorgasm, and a bunch of people I didn't know). I wore a sweater and had recently cut my hair, and I think no less than 10 metalheads remarked about how I was all GQ and crap.

And that was not the worst post ever. I've seen much worse.
Look at this, for example.
I feel your pain.

I immediately get dissed by my crew when I decide I don't want to work at a liquor store for the rest of my life and play local bars with crappy noise metal bands.