I shaved my head.

I did that last summer. I don't really regret it, but since i'm growing it back it looks like shit before it gets long enough

I shaved my balls yesterday, I don't regret that either :)
now you're officially a member of the

"I used to have long hair too, you know!"


the next step would be the "oh yeah, I could play guitar like that too when I was young" -group-....

dont let it come that far! ;)


I had curly ringlets 3/4's of the way down my back when I was 20. I didn't get a haircut all throughout high school. Since I cut it a few years back it's been virtually every colour of the rainbow but rarely more than an inch long. Ironically, as soon as I cut it, I started going bald! :D
I've been conteplating doing this as well. I like having my hair long (it's just past my shoulder blades) but it's such a pain a lot of times. it takes way too long, for my liking, to wash and dry and it gets so rediculously tangled after every show, with and headbanging/twirling and such. I hate combing it out afterwards. I cut it a few years ago after having it long and I just ended up growing it back out. It would be so much more convenient short (though much less metal) but if I ended up growing it out again. I'd have to got throught that stage where you look like a derelict for a few months.

