I think i discovered who broke into my house


May 9, 2006
So, today i received the bill for one of my cellphone chips - the one i received free with my internet access. The thing is I NEVER used it, and it was store on my bedroom drawer. So, back to the bill, when I opened it, i was like WOW. R$2500, which is about $1300. There were 1276 actions on this phone in one month and some of them were to the place the last baby sitter we hired (the one who left my 2 year old daughter alone at home). So, i turned off my cell phone ID and started placing calls to many numbers on the bill and one of them was the baby sitter´s brother in law. And on the day my house got robbed there are MANY very short calls between 8.40am and 8.50pm and one at 7am, the time we left our home.

I contacted the sheriff and he also said me that the forensics left their repport on the finger prints on the police office, so tomorrow ill go there with the bill and see what the report shows me.

Damn, it feels this never ends...now my pocket with be more hallow, having to pay this two-month-worth-of-job amount of money to finance a criminal. Damn.
Actually Iam 99% sure it was ´her´, the nanny, plus somebody else close to her. I dont have any hope my goods (including my Macbook :( ) will be found , but whatever. Hope she´s ass fucked to death in jail.
Dude go for it, if this all goes down the way its supposed to, you can call the Cell company and explain the phone was stolen and you'll have a police report to back it up, you shouldnt have to pay shit...

get em nailed to the floor for this one...

I didnt catch the previous post if there was one about your daughter, was any consequence brought against her for this??
What pisses me off the most is that even if they get caught, you won´t have your stuff back. For example, some dickheads stole my car. After some days the police caught´em, send them to jail and I got my car back. However, the stereo (and speakers) were sold. They should have payed every cent of it, or at least get more time in jail for that. Shit, in my dictatorship I would just chop their heads off.
You shouldn't have to pay for that phone bill I think, I mean I don't know how it is in your country (wherever it is) but I believe if you have proof that it was stolen you don't have to pay it.

And yeah, good luck and please post here if you manage to get them! I hate people who steal other people's stuff and love to hear when they are rightfully punished (and assraped)