I think it's important that I tell you . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
. . . that black metal comprises the largest single sub-genre in my music collection. I felt it was necessary to tell you this because so many of you think I'm into hardcore and that stuff. I actually don't own a single true hardcore CD. I sold my Hatebreed, and I think that finished it off. Now, it would be fair to say I have a fairly large section of this so-called "core" stuff. This section would include everything from Swans to Neurosis/Isis to Today is the Day and Converge.

So I feel like I can now join in all your reindeer games.

So suck it!
I'm sure my biggest chunk is early-90's alternative rock/metal/whatever.

Black metal maybe 20 albums total.
that's cool man. true black metaller from kansas.

my biggest is the viking/pagan/folk stuff, but most of it can be classified as black metal, so yeah. hell, a good chunk is just graveland. we're in touch with our long ago ancestors and stuff
Nate The Great said:
Cradle of Filth is probably my favorite black metal band, if that makes a difference.


Fair enuff.

154 of my 417 CDs bear the black metal tag. The next subgenre must be alternative metal (which englobes anything remotely post-coreish).
BenMech said:
My Favorite black metal band? 24/7 Spyz :lol:

Nate - no need to justify yourself to us. Only the Royal Carnage staff is that gay to care one way or another.

Say, if we're going by Anal Cunt's joke, does Suffocation count as a black metal band?

Royal Carnage staff?

You're annoying, just an FYI.
MadeInNewJersey said:
You're annoying, just an FYI.

I don't know why he does it, but he's arrogant on purpose and knows it. He's stated before that his "real life" personality is not reflective of his "online" personality whatsoever in that he's a friendly person to hang around and talk metal, etc. I don't know if it's bitterness about something specific or just in general, but I wish he'd reflect that side of himself online more often (every now and then he does) because it's obvious he has plenty to offer by way of legit discussion.