I thought I'd seen it all...

how so?
Let's talk about the stupidity of this crap Fenrir dragged up.
It's really stupid, huh?
That is an interesting website. I don't know how far everyone read, but I would have been more apt to continue if the fucking author hadn't been as intolerant and pedantic as the enslavers he rages against. He's a bigot, nothing more, who seeks to prove spirituality wrong through reason. People can believe what they want, humanity is not damned by the beliefs of Christians, Jews, Muslims, or atheists (their actions are another matter). Oh well, let the man rant. Personally, he calls God queer so much that I think he might have some homosexual issues of his own to deal with.
Ya... he has a few issues, obviously. He's awarded himself a few awards, including 'wisest human', and 'doctor of cubicism'. can't really take him seriously when he calls for the killing of those who disagree with him, or even are ignorant of his ideas. he's also a marbles fanatic, and claims the Iraq war is a result of modern science ignoring his theories.
but, yeah, I think he just wants attention. he aims to write a book that 'will contradict and condemn every religious and scientific book written', and that his invented was bestowed upon him - by himself - because 'doctorate universities are too evil to bestow upon him such a prestigious honor of wisdom'

Here's his wiki page
lolocaust has been around for at least a year
OK, I'm sorry. STFU.
That is an interesting website. I don't know how far everyone read, but I would have been more apt to continue if the fucking author hadn't been as intolerant and pedantic as the enslavers he rages against. He's a bigot, nothing more, who seeks to prove spirituality wrong through reason. People can believe what they want, humanity is not damned by the beliefs of Christians, Jews, Muslims, or atheists (their actions are another matter). Oh well, let the man rant. Personally, he calls God queer so much that I think he might have some homosexual issues of his own to deal with.
Is it just me or was that site just grammatically bizarre, incomprehensible rants about some vague spiritual BS combined with the world's most annoying formatting and a claim that the earth is flat?
cubic. not flat.

I think. he was ranting on about the bible and stupid educated people too much to make any real sense.
If the motherfucker could speak English I might read his site. Interesting that he ignores every thing about science, including pictures from fucking space. What a moron. It's a helluva lot easier to prove Christians are evil from the Bible than it is by inventing a new motherfucking shape for earth.

Speaking of which, if you can deal with my shitty mic, I did just that.

Well, in the second half of the vid I did. First I pwned Young Earth Creationists.
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cubic. not flat.
My bad. Or actually, his bad. The site was so confused. He jumped around all over the place, had shitty, shitty grammar, and was very stupid.
If the motherfucker could speak English I might read his site. Interesting that he ignores every thing about science, including pictures from fucking space. What a moron.
Yeah. I don't think there's much he could do to convince me to read his site.
Heheh, complete with fake counter... that site is bomb.

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