I wanna give the POD XT one last chance...


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
k, I've tweaked it for ages, got "ok" sounds, but always, when comparing it to a real amp", I had to admit that the POD sounds are FAR inferior.

some of you got decent results with a POD....I'm askinf for one decent sounding preset (no metalpack installed) to give it a last try before this piece of shit hits ebay.
(and yes, I've tried Andy's Preset...pretty close to what I did myself...more or less the same actually...still would never put it on a commercial release or even demo).
it's always too muddy and dark but still has this annoying fizz...after EQing that out it gets even darker.

so to all you line6/POD gurus....give me a preset that kicks my ass.

btw, Metalshop is not an option since the only way to buy it is with a credit card, and I have none, so Line6 won't do any business with me.

P.S. don't advice me about impulses, if I have to take that extra effort to make the POD sound halfway decent it's not for me anyway.
I won't upload a preset as I think the guitar makes too much of a difference with the sound.

Dual rectifier, mesa cab, 57 on axis and tubescreamer is what I use pretty much 100% of the time. I think almost always you will need to use eq afterwards too.

I don't think my pod tones will ever compete with a well mic'ed amp, but I have noticed when monitoring with the pod on, when the guitar sounds good through the pod it sounds good through the amp with almost no effort - again just shows to me that its all in the hands and the guitar. good luck - and would be interesting to hear what tones you are coming up with.
Well the POD has that to itself that you can get some usable tones from it but it sounds nowhere near to a real amp. And if you want to squeeze some meat out of it - the Metal Shop is really the way to go.
I think some people like the Pod because it doesn't sound like a real amp. While it's likely true that a Pod won't ever sound like a real amp, it's also true that a real amp will never sound like a Pod. This is probably why it still appears in high-budget studios and on top selling albums. I think the key to getting good use out of a Pod is not to focus on trying to emulate a certain amp, but instead just focusing on trying to get a nice sounding tone.

And yeah, the metal pack has some great sounds.
There's only one person you need to talk too, And thats Joey muthafuckin Sturgis.....he is the deadliest Pod user i have ever heard...And he puts most of the dude's that have the whole "Dual rectifier, mesa cab, 57 on axis and tubescreamer" to shame .....how is that? IS he just that badass????

Like LSD-Studio i have heard some killer miced up tones that you have got ...But you can do shit with a pod xt.....Joey is amazing at getting great digital tones but has stated he can't get a good miced up tone to save his life........i guess it really is different for each person..

OH yeah Black Neon BOB is great also
Yeah, Joey's tones are awesome, though personally I prefer Black Neon Bob's - the point, though, is that both are able to get tones that reek of digital but fit perfectly in the mix and sound fantastic (same with Devin's tone on Ziltoid, which I never would've guessed was a Pod, but now that I know I can totally hear it).
Yeah, Joey is pretty much the reductio ad absurdum to the notion that a Pod isn't capable of a professional metal sound. If people don't consider his tones worthy of commercial release, I think it's time for me to sell my gear and take up stamp collecting :lol:.
Sell it. The ONLY thing I like in it, is the "broken tape recorder" fx, 100% wet for cleans. But then again:

What about your picture of all those all-tube dream amps that the Axe-FX can only come close to touching with its processors and circuits? :D
The only cool sound I got with a POD was through the Mark III (or II?!?)-sim + TS + EQ + V30 Speaker.
Though, I don't have a clue if this model comes with the XT.

I only used it to play at home - never recorded it.