I want a Schecter bass. Damien-5 any good?


Cor blimey guv'nor
Nov 22, 2008
I'm finding it difficult to find a UK supplier that has Schecter basses. I found the Damien 5 for £440, but I'm not sure if it's any good. I was planning on going for a Studio, but that's purely going by reviews and hearing recordings made with them.

I wish I knew a shop that stocked them because then I could actually try one first :)

Any thoughts?
a friend of mine have one, but he wants to sell it. So feel free to write me a mail, so I can send you pictures and so on...

He only wants to sell it because, he is a long time ibanez user and ibanez basses fits his playing style more...

sound is awsome!!!!!!!
I've got a Studio 5. It can get clicky, though while I'm not a big fan of clicky basses either, the Studio seems to have a good EQ which you can use to get the bass balanced right and sitting well in a mix.
Personally I would get a mexican fender Precision or Jazz bass, work well for almost any style and pretty easy to get to sit in the mix well + they don't cost much.