I was wondering *sharing thread*


Sep 30, 2007
I know tons of guys on here use ez drummer and DFH. I've heard tons of killer stuff from a lot of you guys. I was wondering if anyone wanted to share their midis they have made from them. I know it is a lot of hard work and time invested into making them . I personally have an ok time making basic metal beats but maybe I'm not the only one, maybe I am but I think it would help to get a better idea of making cool beats if people shared . A lot of the stuff I make sounds too much like a drum machine with basic beats, crappy fills and boring cymbal work. Like when to do open hats then go to close hats on the 4th snare or whatever right before the change. People on here have made beats that are hard to tell they are dfh. I think it would help a lot to have more midis to work off of . I'm not saying I or anyone would just take your beats and write our own riffs over them but man there is some cool beats I've heard from a lot of you. It would really help to see some of those cool beats in midi format. People could input them into their sequencer and see them would really help teach me some tips. If you guys think its dumb I understand. I just figured since people share their drum samples and other stuff for drumagog and aptrigga maybe this would be cool too. thanks
Howard Johnson is right! I don't have anything fancy or overly customized either. Also, EZ Drummer and Addictive presets as well as BFD and DFHS presets ( if there is such a thing ) would be nice. If I could reverse engineer someone else's work I think it'd be a big help. Otherwise, i'll plod along like the wounded Llama I have been all along. How is there no dedicated site for this stuff?
I like this idea also, but so far I haven't even attempted making my own MIDI's, just using the bundled ones and beats from groovemonkee.com. I'll be giving it a go soon though, so who knows, if they are ok I'll post them up. I was thinking that maybe you were talking about mixing chains/settings/presets etc. I'd be just as interested in hearing how people were processing the EZDrummer samples.