Iced Earth-Dark Genisis

Lost Wisdom

The Lovely Seagull
May 21, 2002

I just wonderd i have iced earth-Dark genisis. But i also have 4 of the discs seperat with the wrong labels on i just wonders is this rare?

I´m not going to send my cd´s anywhere, but anyway here´s some information

Error-pressing of box set in limited circulation!

We were extremely shocked, to say the least, to learn on November 26th when the first e-mails and
telephone calls delivered the bad news to us: a small number of the long-awaited Iced Earth 5-CD
Box, "Dark Genesis", had unfortunately been misprinted and were already in circulation. The labels
of the following CDs had been incorrected printed on these discs: "Iced Earth", "Night Of The
Stormrider", "Burnt Offerings" and "Enter The Realm". The "Tribute To The Gods" CD does bear
the correct label, however.

The boxes had just arrived that very same day in our own warehouse, as the initial quantities had
been sent direct from our manufacturing plant to various distributors in order to meet the box set's
official release date. So in due haste, we opened a number of copies and checked all the discs -
most of them were fine, but a couple of the ones we opened did have this very problem with the
music discs being mis-labelled (all of the music was there, just with the wrong CD label). A frantic
phone call to our manufacturing plant and some double-checking on their part confirmed it: on the
very first pressing day, they had switched their information in the computer before it was manually
started up again (correctly) the next day. Therefore, they estimate that 3,000 - 4,000 of the boxes
worldwide may be affected with the misprint.

This unfortunate mistake, while solely resting with the manufacturing company and beyond our
control, is nonetheless an embarrassment to the band and the box set which we had worked so hard
to make a very special package in time for the holiday season. Although the percentage of
mispressed box sets seems to be relatively low and you would not be likely to encounter one, our
manufacturing plant has agreed to replace all of the incorrectly-labelled CDs that anyone wishes to
return, something we hope will even further minimize the erroneous quantities found on the market.
All unshipped copies of the error pressing were returned to the manufacturing plant to be
refurbished and corrected, so only those very first versions already in retail shops which have not
been returned should bear the possibility of being stricken with this error.

If your particular copy of the "Dark Genesis" box has been affected by this error, you are urged to
do the following: just send the four incorrectly-labelled CDs to the address below, and we will
promptly dispatch you the four correctly-printed discs postpaid along with a Century Media freebie
item to accomodate you for the inconvenience.

Send only the four mislabelled CDs (without the box itself or the fifth disc) to:

Century Media Records
Attn: Iced Earth Box
Schäferstr. 33a
44147 Dortmund, GERMANY