Iced Earth Guitarist In Suicide Bomber Scare

Vic Rattlehead

Bonded By Blood
Jun 15, 2003
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ICED EARTH guitarist Ralph Santolla demanded to be let off a flight to England earlier today (March 17) after he spotted two fellow passengers behaving strangely while boarding the plane. The following is Ralph's detailed account of the whole experience, as provided exclusively to BLABBERMOUTH.NET:

"OK. First of all, let me say unequivocally that I am not a racist. I have three Moroccan-Arab nieces, and more than a couple of Muslim family members (I'm Catholic).

"I was leaving today for the Manchester/Liverpool area of England to work on mixes for my modern rock/metal project, STARE. At the gate in Tampa, there were two Arab dudes getting on the plane. The three of us were at the end of the line boarding. One guy was dressed in a suit, the other like a college student. They were acting (?) like they didn't know each other. They seemed very nervous. About four elderly folks got in between the two guys. I noticed that the guy next to me, the one in the suit, had, at a minimum, his hands and wrists shaved. I thought that was weird, in a disturbing kind of way (shaving one's body hair is a religious obligation often observed by would-be suicide bombers so that they are 'clean' before entering heaven). They both noticed that I was watching them closely. The college-looking guy kept looking back and making eye contact with the other guy and then looking away. When we got on the plane, the guy in the suit turns out to be a pilot getting a free ride of the jumpseat in the cockpit. After the other guy looked around making eye contact with me several times, as if to see if I was still keeping an eye on them, I called the flight attendant. I told him there was something not right about these guys, and I wanted off. They had to bring the jetway back out to get me off the plane! The airline will let me use the same ticket on Friday, but I was pretty spooked!"

ICED EARTH will kick off a U.S. headlining tour with CHILDREN OF BODOM and EVERGREY on April 18 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Better safe than sorry. There's prolly a million other logical explanations for that Arab dude's strange behaviour but, just the same, props to Santolla for having the balls to trust his instincts.
Testament Legions said:
This type of hysteria SUCKS.

Paranoid bullshit.
The country is worse for crap like this and it shouldn't be exploited and the
media used for this shit. It's pretty weak this Iced Earth homo is taking
advantage of the media to gain publicity for this. I fuggin hate Iced Earth.

And the fuggin media is no better because of it's false and misleading
use of headlines...."Suicide Bomber bombscare" because

1. There were no suicide bombers
2. There were no bombs
3. There was no delay of takeoff by Airport Security, The Fedl Aviation folks
or The Fedl Govt.

So if X=K and K=Y, than X=Y, meaning there was no scare.

Just a paranoid fuggin dumbshit.
Yea, the media likes to sensationalize shit way too much. I'm sure this turned out to be a nothing..they were probably trippin on his "rocker get-up" or something. BUT..I can completely understand his paranoia. 9/11 helped make me a LOT more aware of my surroundings when I fly, and I am by no means a racist. I am 1/2 of an interracial that's not the answer. There are different ways people cope with these fears, and I don't really blame him for what he did. When there are so many tensions in society things like this happen. Better safe than sorry.
MindInsane said:
BUT..I can completely understand his paranoia. 9/11 helped make me a LOT more aware of my surroundings when I fly. There are different ways people cope with these fears, and I don't really blame him for what he did. When there are so many tensions in society things like this happen. Better safe than sorry.

The flaw I see in most of these posts, including yours, is 9/11 was 2.5 years ago.

I live in Boston. 2 of those 4 hijacked planes took off from Logan Airport in
Boston. Boston's right next door to New York. I understand your sentiment,
because I'm "living in the neighborhood where all it went down."
Nobody forgot nor should we, but there's a difference between not forgetting
and letting memories own you and control you and dictate you.

We need to stop living in the past and letting those fears be so active in our
minds. Until we do, those fanatical Taliban fools are always going to win
even though most of them are dead and burning in the fires of Hell.

When you let their past actions influence your life you are giving them power
over you. The 'better safe than sorry' stuff is American-made, American-
propogated fear. It's nonsense.

There are NO bombs. On 9/11, there never were. It was boxcutters.

Has this country had a repeat of 9/11 since 9/11? No.

Therefore, Americans have NO reason to paranoid anymore. NONE.

Being safe means being smart, not being paranoid, right?

It's time to let it go and get on with it, after all, America has always been
about rising above and kicking adversity and tragedy in the arse and showing
the world why America is the best, most free country on the Planet.

We've already buried the dead. It should all be about avenging them now,
every way we can. Be smart, Be strong, and be.............FREE.

Paranoia is a tool used by Terrorists.
Officer Friendly said:
Paranoid bullshit.
The country is worse for crap like this and it shouldn't be exploited and the
media used for this shit. It's pretty weak this Iced Earth homo is taking
advantage of the media to gain publicity for this. I fuggin hate Iced Earth.

And the fuggin media is no better because of it's false and misleading
use of headlines...."Suicide Bomber bombscare" because

1. There were no suicide bombers
2. There were no bombs
3. There was no delay of takeoff by Airport Security, The Fedl Aviation folks
or The Fedl Govt.

So if X=K and K=Y, than X=Y, meaning there was no scare.

Just a paranoid fuggin dumbshit.
Makes a great speach but idealism ends for me when reality is staring me in the face. You weigh the pros and the cons and make a decision. Everybody has their own though process, right or wrong, but terrorists have never made an attempt to spare "tolerant" infidels.
Steiner said:
Makes a great speach but idealism ends for me when reality is staring me in the face. You weigh the pros and the cons and make a decision. Everybody has their own though process, right or wrong, but terrorists have never made an attempt to spare "tolerant" infidels.

reality? most airports have sharper screening measures. It's harder to get
guns, knives, bombs, and C4 through the metal detectors now.

Nice Try, though.

Most terrorists have never made an attempt to spare "tolerant" infidels?

I'll use your statement against 9/11.

The 9/11 terrorists in this country had BOX CUTTERS. What does a blade on a
box cutter look like? It's not a friggin hunting knife you'd use to cut open and
clean a deer with. (meaning gutting the innards out).....

When some stupid terrorist is waving an overgrown exacto-knife in your face...
OH MY bum rush him and kick his ass. If you're on a plane being hijacked by 4 morons with box cutters and there's easily 50 guys on a plane-
They may have sissy weapons but the numbers outweigh.
Those brave dudes on the flight that crashed into Phillie knew that.

Even if you got cut in the chest with one of those boxcutters how deep and
wide could the wound be? it's a boxcutter not a hunting knife. The wound would
be narrow and fairly shallow. You'd bleed slowly and it might sting but you are
not going to die.
Dead_Lioness said:
wow.... if i could only count how many times i got off the bus in israel thinking there is a suicide bomber there....

i can relate to this story so much.
and good to see he is alert!!!
glad he is safe.

Alert? Ha. Paranoid. Nothing happened! Nobody stopped the flight to

Airports have undercover plain clothes and uniformed Security, plus cameras
and metal detectors. Since he wasn't pulled aside by security he was NOT a
suspicious character. Sheesh!

That moron from Iced Earth was stereotyping someone of another race->
Let's see....he's middle eastern and he's staring at me, and he's obviously
partaking in a religious custom....OH MY GOD....HE'S A TERRORIST!...OR A
SUICIDE BOMBER!....That's like saying....That black guy is staring at me...If
I don't get out of here quick I'm gonna get mugged!
Officer Friendly said:
...That's like saying....That black guy is staring at me...If I don't get out of here quick I'm gonna get mugged...
That's not an accurate analogy. The world has muggers of every shape, size, color, and sex. Only one type of people I know of seem to hijack planes though.

And do you really have faith in those people working in airport security? The people I see doing that job in SFO are glorified Taco Bell security gaurds. Going to Arizona in October my fiance and I stood and watched in total disbelief as the screeners took an old chinese woman out of her wheelchair to look under the seat for god knows what. She was traveling with her equally decrepid husband. As if that wasn't bad enough they took my fiance and did that scanner thing on her away from everyone else. They did nothing to me. Profiling aside, who would be more of a threat to hijack a plane...a young 27 year old male, an 80 year old woman, or a 26 year old woman. The answer is pretty fucking obvious if you're trying to catch a terrorist - yet I was the only one who didn't get checked. Then again, if you're trying to avoid a discrimination lawsuit then they did a perfect job. Thank god nobody was offended! That's all that matters.
Officer Friendly said:
Alert? Ha. Paranoid. Nothing happened! Nobody stopped the flight to

Airports have undercover plain clothes and uniformed Security, plus cameras
and metal detectors. Since he wasn't pulled aside by security he was NOT a
suspicious character. Sheesh!

That moron from Iced Earth was stereotyping someone of another race->
Let's see....he's middle eastern and he's staring at me, and he's obviously
partaking in a religious custom....OH MY GOD....HE'S A TERRORIST!...OR A
SUICIDE BOMBER!....That's like saying....That black guy is staring at me...If
I don't get out of here quick I'm gonna get mugged!

that is the most idiotic thing i could possibly read.
you obviously didnt read a thing he said in his story, did you?
he said: he is not blaming the whole "middle eastern" people, but the behavior of the specific people on the plane looked suspicious to him, that’s all.
and frankly- i would react the same, and being "paranoid" has nothing to do with it, or a "pussy"

imagine you are walking in a dark alley, at night, walking alone..
and all of a sudden you see two black guys walking towards you…
wouldn’t you think that they might harm you?
It has nothing to do with you being a racist,
it’s a natural reaction by you or anyone else based on a lot of things your mind is used to.
Just like that guy from In Flames.
Now, imagine if those people WERE really terrorists- and he saved himself!
Who knows !
Not me, not you, not anyone.
The sad thing is, our world is so fucked up- that people react like that…
I do agree with you- that its sad that this is the situation we are dealing with.
(looking at middle eastern people with suitcases, black people with one hand inside of their jacket, and so on and so on…)
But that guy from In Flames obviously knew a lot about Muslims (shaving their hair)
He is defiantly not an ignorant or a being “racist”

Steiner said:
That's not an accurate analogy. The world has muggers of every shape, size, color, and sex. Only one type of people I know of seem to hijack planes though.

Are you sure about that? There have been plenty of plane hijackings in the
last 23 years. They weren't all the same nationality or religious affiliation.


And do you really have faith in those people working in airport security? The people I see doing that job in SFO are glorified Taco Bell security gaurds. Going to Arizona in October my fiance and I stood and watched in total disbelief as the screeners took an old chinese woman out of her wheelchair to look under the seat for god knows what. She was traveling with her equally decrepid husband. As if that wasn't bad enough they took my fiance and did that scanner thing on her away from everyone else. They did nothing to me. Profiling aside, who would be more of a threat to hijack a plane...a young 27 year old male, an 80 year old woman, or a 26 year old woman. The answer is pretty fucking obvious if you're trying to catch a terrorist - yet I was the only one who didn't get checked. Then again, if you're trying to avoid a discrimination lawsuit then they did a perfect job. Thank god nobody was offended! That's all that matters.

Have you ever heard of the 14th Ammendment?

All people, citizens or not are entitled to be treated fairly and equally
and without bias or discrimination based on race or origin.
Your logic is right on but you can't single one racial group out because
of 9/11...that's clearly a violation of Civil Rights and the FAA, along with a slew
of other Government Agencies have to obey a small document called THE CONSTITUTION. Read it lately?

I get searched everywhere I go and I'm a white short haired clean cut all
American type. I have been searched in L.A., S.J. and S.F. and Dallas and
Chicago and Boston. Ever hear of white terrorists?
I dont give a shit cause I got nothing to hide.
Dead_Lioness said:
that is the most idiotic thing i could possibly read.

Oh wow, I must have delivered a new low considering all the idiotic things
you read on daily basis on the Nevermore board. I'm honored. *bows*

you obviously didnt read a thing he said in his story, did you?

Yes I did.

he said: he is not blaming the whole "middle eastern" people, but the behavior of the specific people on the plane looked suspicious to him, that’s all.

mmmmhhmmmmm. Are you that naive Karen?

Just because he says it, doesn't make it so.

Charles Manson said he didn't kill anyone. He's on Death Row.

Read between the lines. Come on. Don't forget I'm not defending him.
I'm calling bullshit on him.

Didnt anyone ever teach you to look at what people say and how they say it?

Didnt anyone ever teach you to think about why people use the language they

Guess not. Think about it...look at how people say what they do and how
they say implies or infers what they really mean. Rock Stars, Politicians, Those
talking monkeys on the Network News every night, Advertising. None of what
they say means what it does on the surface. Yes, gasp, it's true.

Lots of white people use disclaimers like "I'm not a racist" *BUT* ...come on.
If he truly was not stereotyping or being racially derogative, he wouldnt have made the "I'm not a racist" disclaimer. Duh.

Have you ever been a white american male? I rest my case.

and frankly- i would react the same, and being "paranoid" has nothing to do with it, or a "pussy"

I never said pussy that was someone else.
Sure it has something to do with being paranoid.
Think about it. What does paranoid mean?
What the cultural fears? These are valid points. You don't get it because you
were born and raised in Europe where the cultures and perspectives are
different than they are here. I can't expect you to understand what I am
talking about because you are not a White, Catholic American Man. All 4
variables play a crucial role in this. 1. White 2. Catholic. 3. American 4. Male.

You've never been a White, Catholic American Male. You were an Israeli
Soldier and you're an Israeli Citizen. You weren't born here and you don't
know what it was like for us on 9/11. That's not an insult. Our tragedy is
not like what you saw in Israel for the last 20 years. How you perceive it,
internalize it, become emotionally involved with it won't be the same for you
as it was for us and that emotional power right there plays a role with
the fears I am not approving of. I'm more like that guy than you are so I
don't think it's easy for you to see where he's coming from and what he's
really saying and why I am calling bullshit on him. You couldn't possibly see
where he's coming from and why I do and how the events of 9/11 and the
how the middle eastern culture are perceived by us. You are of different
origin and you were raised over there. It's not the same here.

imagine you are walking in a dark alley, at night, walking alone..
and all of a sudden you see two black guys walking towards you…
wouldn’t you think that they might harm you?

First of all, When I see people approaching me I dont look at them as
people who are going to harm me.

Only people who are victims think of being victimized.

Second of all, I don't look at minorities as killers or criminals or muggers.
I know plenty of black people. Black people don't scare me. Stupid people
do because they breed like anyone else.

It has nothing to do with you being a racist,
it’s a natural reaction by you or anyone else based on a lot of things your mind is used to.

Black people have always been my friends. I'm not scared of black people.
I don't judge books by their covers.

Besides, by and large, black on black crime is significantly higher than black
on white crime.

Because of 9/11 I have every right to look at anyone from Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia, Iran and Iraq as terrorists right? because of what my mind is used
to? That's ridiculous. You can't look at an entire nation of people as terrorists
or suicide bombers because of a few bad apples. George W. Bush said the
very same thing right after 9/11.

But that guy from In Flames obviously knew a lot about Muslims (shaving their hair)He is defiantly not an ignorant or a being “racist”

Defiantly or definitely? Is he definite or defiant? Me no grok.

It was Iced Earth and I could have read the same thing in Time Magazine.
There's only been 100 articles about the Middle East in Time Magazine and who's
to say he's right about why they do it? cause he says he knows?
Couldn't it be true that the guy shaved whatever body part as a religious
custom that has nothing to do with terrorist affiliation or religious fanaticism?
Isn't there the slightest probability that religious customs are done for more
than one reason, not limited to what the Iced Earth dude said but also inclusive
of other customs?
I mean, look at repetition of customs in western religions.

As far as your point, the rationalist philosopher may agree but the Empiricist
Philosopher may not agree.

And my post was the most idiotic thing you could read? LMAO. Karen, you're
a doll. So funny yet so obtuse
Give me a break Officer...I'm not living in the past...I'm living in a world where a new shitty possibility became a reality. Things would be different if it hadn't happened and we would be in the same ignorant bliss as we were before those fucking lunatics entered this country and carried out their twisted fantasy. Don't presume to know what's going on in everyone's heads..we are all different..if you want to go back to normal and pretend it never happened be my guest..that's what they are counting on...false sense of security and ignorant bliss is what got us into that situation in the first place.
MindInsane said:
Give me a break Officer...I'm not living in the past...I'm living in a world where a new shitty possibility became a reality. Things would be different if it hadn't happened and we would be in the same ignorant bliss as we were before those fucking lunatics entered this country and carried out their twisted fantasy. Don't presume to know what's going on in everyone's heads..we are all different..if you want to go back to normal and pretend it never happened be my guest..that's what they are counting on...false sense of security and ignorant bliss is what got us into that situation in the first place.

MI, as I stated, there's a difference of not forgetting it and letting it own you.

I dont pretend it never happened. How do you think I could forget about 9/11
living in Boston and right next door to New York??? Now you should give me
a break.

What are they counting on more?
Us pretending it never happened or leaving us weak with fear.
A fear that many people validated so long after 9/11. As long as we fear
them, they win over us every single day and they've accomplished what
they sought which was to cripple our economy and cripple us as a nation.

False sense of security and ignorant bliss? That's not the public's fault MI.
It's the Government's Constitutional obligation as stated in the first 3 articles
to protect the public order and keep the public order safe. We're the public

What got us into this situation was weak border security,
a Government system that was ignoring the Terrorist Watch List, the DOJ and
INS agencies not cooperating, and the Intelligence Community not being able
to function up to par because of the reduction in force and the 8 annual
progressive budget cuts all done at the hands of Bill Clinton.
I shouldn't blame him though, he was too busy getting head in the Oval Office.