Iced Earth Guitarist In Suicide Bomber Scare

Officer Friendly said:
Oh wow, I must have delivered a new low considering all the idiotic things
you read on daily basis on the Nevermore board. I'm honored. *bows*

hehehe imagine that :D

Officer Friendly said:
Lots of white people use disclaimers like "I'm not a racist" *BUT* ...come on.
If he truly was not stereotyping or being racially derogative, he wouldnt have made the "I'm not a racist" disclaimer. Duh.

Black people have always been my friends. I'm not scared of black people.
I don't judge books by their covers.

no, im not one of those people Officer nice, i have never said all middle eastern people are bad just like i didnt mean anything by saying those two black people in the dark alley WOULD hurt you, but what i meant by saying that was to draw a "regular" example to you.
90% of the people (including black people themselves) would not feel comfortable in a dark alley with two black people walking toward them.

i have so many black-american friends. i dont judge a book by its cover too OF.
you're getting a really bad idea from this whole thing.

Officer Friendly said:
Have you ever been a white american male? I rest my case.

actually... i have to agree with you on that one. im not a white male! ;)
no seriously, i know what you're saying, because all my white / christians friends have told me the same thing about America,
(thats just sad... i didnt believe them at first, but i saw "examples" with my own eyes few times... and to be honest... im white too. i see what you mean here sometimes.)

Officer Friendly said:
Think about it. What does paranoid mean?
What the cultural fears? These are valid points. You don't get it because you
were born and raised in Europe where the cultures and perspectives are
different than they are here. I can't expect you to understand what I am
talking about because you are not a White, Catholic American Man. All 4
variables play a crucial role in this. 1. White 2. Catholic. 3. American 4. Male.

im learning everyday what its like to be white in America.
but think about it Officer, the guy from In Flames was not born and raise here too!
he is swedish.
thats why *I* can see what he means.... you understand?
no one can possibly know what its like to have 9/11 i agree with you on that thing.
but i do (SADLY) have my share with terror attacks that happened EVERYDAY in Israel.
you think i dont have muslim friends? of course i do.
i am not a racist OF.
but a middle eastern guy, looking nervous, shaved (and again- the In Flames guy knows what he is talking about!!) holding a huge back pack and touching his watch all the time (the bomb) - will look suspicious to me!!
to everyone!

and again: its sad.

Officer Friendly said:
You weren't born here and you don't
know what it was like for us on 9/11. That's not an insult. Our tragedy is
not like what you saw in Israel for the last 20 years. How you perceive it,
internalize it, become emotionally involved with it won't be the same for you
as it was for us and that emotional power right there plays a role with
the fears I am not approving of. I'm more like that guy than you are so I
don't think it's easy for you to see where he's coming from and what he's
really saying and why I am calling bullshit on him. You couldn't possibly see
where he's coming from and why I do and how the events of 9/11 and the
how the middle eastern culture are perceived by us. You are of different
origin and you were raised over there. It's not the same here.

like i said: i wasnt here when 9/11 happened. i heard so many stories about it from all my american friends, and their reactions were very similar to mine,
so if you feel like telling me another opinion: then seriously- id love to hear!

also: you're right: when we both read the story from the In Flames guy, we both got something else out of it.
(isnt it always like that? )
i could relate to it from my end, and you, from yours.

However, i agree with what MindISane said. every word.
and let me tell you again: ITS SAD.
this world is so fucked up.

Officer Friendly said:
And my post was the most idiotic thing you could read? LMAO. Karen, you're
a doll. So funny yet so obtuse

Officer Friendly said:
Your prior post was politically laced....just so you know.
And that's why I decided to pull the plug on this thread. Nothing personal. I love talking politics and religion, this is just too small of a forum to start pissing people off.
Dead_Lioness said:
no, im not one of those people Officer nice, i have never said all middle eastern people are bad just like i didnt mean anything by saying those two black people in the dark alley WOULD hurt you, but what i meant by saying that was to draw a "regular" example to you.
90% of the people (including black people themselves) would not feel comfortable in a dark alley with two black people walking toward them.

I'll ask my black friends if they'd be uncomfortable with black people walking
towards them and I'll get back to you.

All I do is reply to people with the words they use, if it's not
what you meant, I wouldn't know that.

i have so many black-american friends. i dont judge a book by its cover too OF.
you're getting a really bad idea from this whole thing.

I only respond to the words presented to me on this forum. If those words
are not what you meant or you don't believe your point was accurately
reflected than all I can tell you is, choose your words differently.

actually... i have to agree with you on that one. im not a white male! ;)
no seriously, i know what you're saying, because all my white / christians friends have told me the same thing about America,
(thats just sad... i didnt believe them at first, but i saw "examples" with my own eyes few times... and to be honest... im white too. i see what you mean here sometimes.)

This country's culture and how the white culture looks at things abroad is not
the same as it is seen by those across the Atlantic. By and large, the Middle
Eastern culture was very unknown to us crackers and in many ways, it still is
because even the news we get, the information presented to us is slanted by
those idiots in American journalism. Being sheltered from it and then having it
thrust upon you very abruptly in the face of bloodshed and tragedy is a lot for
any group to consume, interpret and comprehend all at once.
That's very important to remember when you listen to that Iced Earth idiot.
I'm so glad you see what I am talking about and I was able to convey my
opinion clearly enough. You always have to take in consideration who is doing
the speaking, where he comes from, what political/social/cultural/religious
background is. Those variables explain a lot.

im learning everyday what its like to be white in America.
but think about it Officer, the guy from In Flames was not born and raise here too!
he is swedish.
thats why *I* can see what he means.... you understand?

KAREN! The guy who said this shit wasn't from In Flames!!!! NOT IN FLAMES!
I SAID THAT LAST NIGHT! It was Iced Earth! They're from Indiana. Midwestern
United States......ICED...EARTH.

Anyway, Yes, I know you'd see what an In Flames dude would be thinking
and seeing and perceiving more than I would. I credit you on that point.


no one can possibly know what its like to have 9/11 i agree with you on that thing.
but i do (SADLY) have my share with terror attacks that happened EVERYDAY in Israel.

I gave you credit for that below. I did consider that last night in my response.
Look for the 2 ** so you can see I did.

Here's what I said last night that credits you....

You were an Israeli
Soldier and you're an Israeli Citizen. You weren't born here and you don't
know what it was like for us on 9/11. That's not an insult.

**Our tragedy is not like what you saw in Israel for the last 20 years. **

How you perceive it, internalize it, become emotionally involved with it won't be the same for you as it was for us and that emotional power right there plays a role with the fears I am not approving of.

I'm fairly well educated in the struggles and plights Israel has faced against
Palestine for the last 25 years or so. Our Government is connected to Israel.

you think i dont have muslim friends? of course i do.
i am not a racist OF.
but a middle eastern guy, looking nervous, shaved (and again- the In Flames guy knows what he is talking about!!) holding a huge back pack and touching his watch all the time (the bomb) - will look suspicious to me!!
to everyone!

I never assumed you wouldn't. Hello, you're from Israel. I've seen maps of
the region.
Maybe he was looking at his watch all the time cause he wanted to get
on the plane. I know when I am at the terminal waiting in line I stare at my
watch all the time cause standing in line sucks and I just want to get to my
seat and get to my destination. And what you said is what I am talking about.
You see a guy, who fits a profile and he does a couple of things that normal
everyday people do and all of a sudden! OH NO! and this is what I was saying
in the post you responded to and you said it was the most idiotic thing ever.
LOL. I bet you Chuck Billy standing in a middle eastern airport wearing a tank
top with his sleeved tattoos showing while staring repeatedly at his watch would
look suspicious.

like i said: i wasnt here when 9/11 happened. i heard so many stories about it from all my american friends, and their reactions were very similar to mine,
so if you feel like telling me another opinion: then seriously- id love to hear!

Chances are most white americans of similar religious and social backgrounds
are going to have the same perspectives and feelings. I think they've covered
that ground for me.

also: you're right: when we both read the story from the In Flames guy, we both got something else out of it.
(isnt it always like that? )
i could relate to it from my end, and you, from yours.

yep and he was from ICED EARTH.
Accuracy is important.

However, i agree with what MindISane said. every word.
and let me tell you again: ITS SAD.
this world is so fucked up.

Duh, of course it's sad. But don't play victim to it, rise above it. See it for what is
*WAS* and let it go. If you don't the world will always be fucked up.
MindInsane apparently didnt get that. I see 9/11 for what it was and of course
I don't make light of it, but I won't be a victim to it either. Apparently, she's
content with being a victim to it.

If everyone thinks the world is so fucked up than why is everyone still propogating
the same bullshit? The world changes one person at a time. If you change you
can help your families and friends and then it spreads.

How you see the world, determines how you are going to live your life.
I'll say it again because it's absolutely true.
How you see the world, determines how you are going to live your life.

MindInsane didnt get my point. Maybe if I say it like this, she will. Duh, of course
I haven't forgotten 9/11 but I won't let one day affect how I travel or how I look
at people because how I see the world determines how I am going to live my
life. Terror, death, dying,fear, paranoia are all bad things but if you don't rise
above them....they own you.

BTW, I'm very pleased by your response and you have earned 5 White People
you know- i meant to say ICED EARTH, but i was listening to In Flames when i typed this
(the new album is kinda cool)
and i kept typing "In Flames"

hahaha :lol:

i see your point.
i wasnt there on that plane with him, and i dont know what really happened.
one thing i have learned about those terrorists, is that because they *know* that people will notice things like that: they will disguise to blend as much as possible.

When some ass-hole decided to blow himself up in my town (the only bomb we had ever- since we are far from all of that) he dressed like a regular teenager in Israel (beggies, long sleeves shirt by some famous brand) and he even dyed his hair ro blonde.
(imagine that… a blonde arab… )
No one even noticed.
All that proves your point perfectly, doesnt it?

However, it is VERY hard to judge people when they feel like their life is in danger.
I am very very very happy for you that you have never had to be in a situation like that, when you see someone suspicious and you fear for your life…. But until you do- maybe you will keep your opinions: and that’s fine!
For the record ON: I know exactly what happened after 9/11 and how people had a lot of aggravation toward Muslim people in the States.
And also for the record, and this is a true story, and a bit of a private one too:
I had the SAME but I mean the SAME opinions like you have. Seriously.
Even though ive seen so many killings in Israel, I still kept my opinions that you cant judge people blah blah blah.
One day, and it was one summer, I was on a bus with my best friend Ruth, and we saw somebody acts and looks weird. He had a big suitcase, and he sat right in the middle of the bus , looking around nervously.
She was all scared, and I tried to calm her down, but I couldn’t help to notice his odd behavior myself.
SHE convinced me to get off the bus immediately, and I did, unwillingly.
we sat in a coffee house, had some lunch, and some beers, and after 25 minutes from getting off that buss we heard on the radio in the café house that there was suicide terrorist there………..

sorry to finish my post on a sad note, but I figured I might as well share my story with you.
However, it is VERY hard to judge people when they feel like their life is in danger.
I am very very very happy for you that you have never had to be in a situation like that, when you see someone suspicious and you fear for your life…. But until you do- maybe you will keep your opinions: and that’s fine!

Of course it's hard to judge, this country has not had to do this before and
we havent given the tools to live by that regard so without having the tools
to know how to evaluate situations for safety many people rationalize through
fear and not common sense. That's all I am blasting on.

My opinions are valid for where we live and what the last few years has been

For the record ON: I know exactly what happened after 9/11 and how people had a lot of aggravation toward Muslim people in the States.

To say the least. I was no different.
I was one of those people who had a problem with *every* person from
the middle east in my country for a long time until anger and hatred could
give way to rationale and then I did regret being angry and hateful on people
who were not to blame or shared the fantacism of the attackers.

I had the SAME but I mean the SAME opinions like you have. Seriously.
Even though ive seen so many killings in Israel, I still kept my opinions that you cant judge people blah blah blah.
One day, and it was one summer, I was on a bus with my best friend Ruth, and we saw somebody acts and looks weird. there was suicide terrorist there………..

That's a very compelling real life scenario that of course topples my position in
your context but the US doesnt have those scenarios so my position does
remain valid. Of course you can never be too careful but an airport with
security measures is not exactly the same as a public bus in the streets
where there isn't any security. Where you were, caution paid off. I'll give you

To remain focused, That Iced Earth guy was using the media to get publicity
for something that is bad for this country. It perpetuates to IE fans that we
still have reasons to be scared because danger is still in the air, when really
it keeps provoking fear and paranoia when we have no reason for those things.
I condemned his behavior because it does nothing for the citizens of the United
States as a collective social community. We must rise above. Ultimately, unless
you do rise above you will be consumed by it.

The media needs to stop pushing that paranoia upon us and the IE guy
shouldnt be using the media to gain publicity for something as lame as that.
There was no bomber, There was no bomb and hence, there was no scare.
Just one paranoid person. That is NOT news.

How you see the world determines how you live your life. Keep 9/11 in
perspective. Don't let them win anymore. They want you to fear them when
their capacity to inflict terror on us has been handicapped for some time.
At this point, being fearful of some invisible threat is just as silly as believing
in the boogey man. Remember the 50's and all that "The Russians are going
to invade" bullshit that was going on in the United States?
What MI has said to me and other posters have said in their posts is the same
as the "Russians are coming" crapola.

BTW, I'm sitting across from a black guy who's got the biggest fro I've ever
seen. It's like 3 feet high. It's bigger than Pyrus'. He could be Pyrus ghetto brother.
^ point taken.

i guess it is different the way people in the states and people in Europe see it.

all i said that it was good that he is alert.
i guess he got his publicity, i sure hope he DID NOT do it because of that.

I do trust the security in airports.
just had to say that.