Iced Earth -Leaked Single

I can blame Owens for whatever the fuck i want. In fact, it's owen's fault that there's global warming.

And jon... fucker needs to stop writing music. TGB was musically boring, the last Demons and Wizards was crap, just time to give it up.
And jon... fucker needs to stop writing music. TGB was musically boring, the last Demons and Wizards was crap, just time to give it up.

Dude, since day one Jon has recycled his riffs. I don't mind Iced Earth's Barlow stuff, but their riffs are all pretty much the same: fast power chords with even faster pedal note chugging. And they really overuse the Phrygian (sp?) mode.
Dude, who DOESN'T overuse the Phrygian mode? :lol:
I can blame Owens for whatever the fuck i want. In fact, it's owen's fault that there's global warming.
Because of Tim Owens, every year, the moon moves 3 inches farther away from Earth....

Am I doin it rite?
I never get the hate he gets also, he aint a bad singer at all, him joining Iced Earth has gotten him so much HATE its ridiculous...People just take there bands to heart and Iced Earth will never be good in there minds Again...The Glorius Burden isn't half as bad as people say it is, for gods sake how can you not love The Gettysburg Trilogy. And whats with the Something Wicked Trilogy getting all this praise. The Best EPIC Iced Earth songs are

Scarred Trilogy (Dark Saga)
Storm Rider Trilogy
Dante's Inferno
Travel in Stygian
Phantom Opera Ghost

All KILL the Something Wicked Trilogy IMO, Something Wicked is also the most overrated IcED Earth Album.
I can only see two reasons why people are still whining about Ripper in IE and that is that people figure Barlow will return if they just whine enough OR they simply haven't got much else to do, like listen to the music. ^^

Best album's Night of the Stormrider but I wouldn't say Something Wicked is overrated. Not any more than the Horror Show at least.
Scarred Trilogy (Dark Saga)
Storm Rider Trilogy
Dante's Inferno
Travel in Stygian
Phantom Opera Ghost
I gotta be honest, the entire album of Dark Saga just bores the piss out of me.

I used to fap to Dante's Inferno until I actually read the lyrics without listening to the song at the same time, and they could've done a muc better job with them.
wow, lets not have an intelligent conversation, as is typical with you.

This is hardly an intelligent conversation, regardless of my involvement or lack thereof. Should i start using huge words and cut "fuck" out of all my posts? Would that make it more intelligent? Vocabulary and articulation aside, the point remains the same. And i don't feel the need to memorize the dictionary to impress people on teh intarwebz, so feel free to stop touchin' anytime now. By the way, like i said in 3 threads, you'll be at the seattle show, i'll be at the seattle show. We should meet up and bs, i promise i don't bite in real life.

And ptah, you're wrong. Those lyrics are amazing.

I never get the hate he gets also, he aint a bad singer at all, him joining Iced Earth has gotten him so much HATE its ridiculous...People just take there bands to heart and Iced Earth will never be good in there minds Again...The Glorius Burden isn't half as bad as people say it is, for gods sake how can you not love The Gettysburg Trilogy. And whats with the Something Wicked Trilogy getting all this praise.

Just as you can't understand how people can hate on TGB, i don't understand how people can like it.
Reposting my pissed off nerd rant from the Global Domination forums: "this sounds like an awful cover band"

I thought the same thing about the trilogy, but I actually like Ten Thousand Strong. The new trilogy blows though.

Are you referring to the first 3 tracks? You're only the 2nd person I've ever heard refer to a trilogy from that album...the first one got into a big argument over whether it was actually a trilogy :lol:

I also refer to the first three tracks as the Stormrider Trilogy. I know they aren't a trilogy, cause the whole album's a concept, but when the three songs are performed live, it sounds like it could be a trilogy, so I just call it that.

I'm really hoping for a return to form for The Something Wicked albums, and by that I mean, pre-Glorious Burden. Also since The new albums are written for Ripper's voice, it might sound better. If the album turns out to be another Glorious Burden, then I guess it's just oh well. I have Iced Earth's entire catalog so I can listen to the albums with Barlow and my favorite, Night Of The Stormrider (Greely isn't that bad, but I can't get over SPLATCH!) and enjoy the memories of a once great band.

The Glorious Burden was my introduction to Iced Earth back in '04 and I really liked it, but when I listened to it a week ago, I could barely get through it all. There really is only a few good tracks on that album. I'd rather listen to their debut than The Glorious Burden, as I've gotten used to Gene's atrocious vocals.

And finally, to agree with the majority, Ripper isn't a bad singer, but he doesn't fit too well with Iced Earth. I'll give him another chance though.
The Suffering Trilogy :p

Are you referring to the first 3 tracks? You're only the 2nd person I've ever heard refer to a trilogy from that album...the first one got into a big argument over whether it was actually a trilogy :lol:

It def is! :p

They play it all the time like a trilogy and they all go into each other.
The cover is kind of cool:

I want a high-res copy of that cover...'tis divine :Saint:

The instrumental section in Birth Of The Wicked (from 2:00 - 2:45) is just insanely good, I usually rewind that part a couple times :) Tim Mills absolutely rips on those solos...hopefully he's able to contribute to IE again at some point in the future.