Iced Earth No Longer A 'Band?'

Oct 26, 2002
We all know that Iced Earth is the project of Jon Schaffer and will always be so. Many members have come and gone, but it seems like it's just Jon now. James MacDonough left for a brief stint with Megadeth and Tim "Ripper" Owens, though still in the band, is doing his solo stuff with Beyond Fear. It's understandable. Like Jon said, it's hard to be in an underground metal band that has a sole songwriter and doesn't tour much. I think Iced Earth will end up being a 'band' of hired hands. The music will still rock, and that's all that matters...
Maybe it`s better for Iced Earth to stay underground than to go on commercial side. I dunno... that`s just my opinion, and the most important thing for them is to continue make great music.
I don't really understand why there not bigger, they have a lot of elements that appeal to the american audience (thrash, heavy, screaming lyrics) and there a great band.

Meh, as long as they make great music still then I'm happy, I can't wait till there next CD comes out :rock:
I don't think it was ever John's intention to do anything more than sate his ego. He is his number one fan, and his band is nothing more than an exercise in aural masturbation.
I don't think it was ever John's intention to do anything more than sate his ego. He is his number one fan, and his band is nothing more than an exercise in aural masturbation.

Another impressive analysis. It's nice to hear an objective opinion that isn't corrupt with bias or prejudice. Maybe someday Jon will be expsosed as the psycopathic Nazi he really is. :rolleyes:
Iced Earth have released their classic headbangers, now its time for John to have his fun and dabble in epics. Not that its a good thing, but its what he want to do, so whatever. The 3 or 4 good album trend, the first "good" overproduced album, and then the downhill spiral. Its so damn popular, but its probably nothing you can help when you got top equipment and such. You dont get any rawness to the music and it just becomes almost processed to the point of electronica.
The sound of a band has almost nothing to do with equipment but with what the band, or in IEs case, the mainman, wants to play
Compare Dark Tranquillity and In Flames. DT is heavier on every album, but that's because IF wants to be a bit more mainstream, taking into more new trends, while DT is just running their own course.
They use mostly the same studio in Goetherburg. Which is by the way the same that Hammerfall used on their first album.
And Opeth and Iced Earth use the same amps. It's just a difference in what they want.
Jon has a story he want's to make music to, so the story is what he focus on, rather than the riffs.
And that's more or less the whole problem.
Actually, I prefer Horror Show to Something Wicked 1, because it was an album made simply to convey the feeling of the old movies, so the ambience and tiffing in the songs were made moer important, just like in the good old days of Burnting Times