ICED EARTH The Glorious Burden

So you didn't get the promo then? I'll wait for your thoughts perhaps before jumping in to buy this. I want to be a bit careful with my spending these days, and I'm still debating whether or not to get the Opeth DVD...
Papa Josh said:
or are you a bunch of fucking downloaders?

My rather 'snuh' feeling for Iced Earth definitely kept me from buying, but yes I did download it a while ago out of curiousity. It's typical IE for me in that there are some really good parts, offset by some embarassingly awful parts. However, Ripper is so awesome and such a huge improvement that I'd almost go so far to say that he carries the record. I actually may purchase this one.
Spoke to 'Gugs today - his response was like "oh my god, Ripper destroys Barlow and this is 'wall of sound' epic" or something like that. In other words, it sounds good.

PJ - what are your first thoughts then?
Well, I haven't listened to Gettysburg yet, but the 1st disc is great. I've gotta admit as much shit as I gave Barlow for his Paul Stanley-esque vocals, I'm still getting used to Ripper's voice in the band. Don't get me wrong, this is the record that Priest should've been able to create after Jugulator, RIPPER fucking does in fact RIP Barlow to pieces, but I'm glad they left his backing vocals in there. It creates some cool textures.

Schaeffer has some cool views on history, don't know where he stands on current political views, and probably wouldn't agree with him if I did.

Only thing I feel is missing in this deluxe edition is a lineup photo.

Oh and on a final note, I had to return the first copy I bought, the second disc didn't seem to want to work. Hope that's not the case this time around. Oddly, it only seems to happen to SPV discs.
Papa Josh said:
Schaeffer has some cool views on history, don't know where he stands on current political views, and probably wouldn't agree with him if I did.
Did you know that Jon Schaffer was the first person I ever interviewed? I met him at ProgPower III and he granted me the interview on the spot, and I had to write down his responses in short hand! I had no tape recorder, and no idea what to ask. It's on our site and you can see how amateurish it is perhaps.

Anyway, he's a very genuine character, and he kept his hotel room open all night for people to come and go as they wish, to drink beer and shoot the breeze. We had a good laugh, especially with the Edguy bassist getting drunk and balancing glasses of beer on his head.

Blah Blah, the point of this post was to confirm that your political views, PJ, would not comply with those of Mr Iced Earth. :D He hates liberals and Californians. :lol: (He sees them as one and the same). Nice guy though, seriously.
JayKeeley said:
He hates liberals and Californians. :lol: (He sees them as one and the same).
Well that certainly is not true! :tickled:

I've never heard any Iced Earth, I like their album covers though. :Spin:
NAD said:
I've never heard any Iced Earth, I like their album covers though. :Spin:
Well, I don't know about your tastes in cover art, but personally I can't believe they changed these:


into these:


Well I'm not a big fan of changing original artwork (in fact I hate it when bands do that for re-releases), but these two kick ass:



The artist reminds me of two people that did a lot of artwork for CCG's (Collectible Card Games) in the early 90s, Quentin Hoover, and... Elizabeth uhhhh something. Don't remember. What matters is that they ruled. :)
Man, I really do shock you sometimes don't I? :lol:

They're power metal right? I've spent many years running and hiding whenever any power metal comes into range of my hearing. :D
more a thrash/power sound, liken to early metallica spliced with maiden. here's how i view their releases:

s/t: pretty good, solid
night...: awesome! great! teh win!
burnt offerings: halfway good
dark saga: bland and boring
days...: nice collection
something wicked...: pretty fucking good
horror show: good
new one: this is getting old
NAD - Iced Earth are like Metallica, Testament, and Maiden all rolled into one. I've yet to hear faster stuccato riffing than that played by Jon Shaffer. You might like some IE you know.

And if you like Blind Guardian, you will like Demons & Wizards.
I've never heard IE either, mainly due to the power metal comparisons. Didn't like what I heard from Blind Guardian. Way too happy.

IE has cool cover art though. I liked the civil war cover I saw once.