Iconoclast spoiler thread

The heavier songs on this album sound like something off from pantera's cowboys from hell or metallica's justice for all. Now thats not neccesary a bad thing, IF you are NOT symphony x...I think the heavier style still sounded fine on PL but this is just starting to sound too generic trash/power metal. Luckily there is some variety on the album too.
This entire album is extremely strong from start to finish. It's amazing. Every song is interesting in its own way. I've been listening to prog and metal for almost 30 years, and I own S/X's entire catalog, of course. This whole album is top-notch all the way.
Bastards - OK, the chorus is kinda bland but I really love the verses and the solo section is among their best. Overall a good song to just rock out to.

At last someone who feels the same about this song as me.

I seriously think the album is worth buying just for "Iconoclast" and "When All is Lost".


I do get what some people have against the lyrics though. I don't think the gulf between them and older Symphony X lyrics is that wide, and you have to remember that these are new songs rather than something like The Accolade which has been around for years and just "is", so the way you look at them is a bit different. But something like Children Of A Faceless God:

"Completely interfaced
To a God without a face
In his image of darkness I'm reborn"

I think these lines are great. They sound great, are pretty creative, good use of imagery... except for the "of darkness". It seems a bit unnecessary, and because "darkness" is such an overused word it makes the line more cheesy than it needs to be. It could just be there to make it flow better, but I feel like something better than "of darkness" could have been used. That's just one example, but really overused words like that appear frequently in the album, which I think contributes considerably to people not liking the lyrics. Still, as I said I don't think they're nearly as bad as some people make out, and it's a fairly minor problem, especially considering Symphony X's regular lyrics - that's just what they do.
I don't get the lyrical thing at all ... Symphony X's lyrics have never been elite or particularly thought provoking. They've always had the dungeon and dragons, knights and swords type stuff. The lyrics on Iconoclast are not that far off from anything they've done before. I think Russ delivers the lines well .. no issues there.

Now .. I would have preferred them to write some lyrics that are more in line with the futuristic type of concept they are doing on Iconoclast. RuRoRul pointed out a couple lines that fit really well with the concept .. more of that would have been great.

As for the album .. it's more than pleasing to my ears. I think it's better than their last disc in all phases, and is a strong release. I could use a bit less Evil Russ and a little more melody, but all in all I think it's a strong disc. I'm really pleased to hear Pinella's keys this time out ... lots of nice interplay between him and Romeo. I also like the production ... Symphony X's best yet in my opinion.

It's metal. "darkness" "reality" and "fire" are going to be in 90% of all songs.

for what it's worth that's the status quo, even if it is blindingly unoriginal. a few bands bust out of this rut, and those are the ones i listen to.
Ok, I just heard "Light Up the Night" and holy crap its an awesome track!

The more I stop being critical and get more familiar the more I am being reminded of DWoT. This album seems quite similar; however, I think the big differences are that in this day and age they have the ability and technology to have a higher budgeted production, and of course Russ using his more aggressive style vocals mostly nowadays.
So is it that much better than PL? I'm kind of avoiding this album right now because I feel I'm going to be disappointed.

I have now listened to it twice and I'd say that it's better than PL and has a couple of really killer tracks of quality PL has none of. But the others are pretty much on the basic PL level, which isn't bad of course. So it's a good, very heavy album, but not mindblowing nor their best one to me.
I have now listened to it twice and I'd say that it's better than PL and has a couple of really killer tracks of quality PL has none of. But the others are pretty much on the basic PL level, which isn't bad of course. So it's a good, very heavy album, but not mindblowing nor their best one to me.

Yeah I think I'm gonna pass. If they make a live album soon, I'll check that out and see if the new songs sound good live.
This entire album is extremely strong from start to finish. It's amazing. Every song is interesting in its own way. I've been listening to prog and metal for almost 30 years, and I own S/X's entire catalog, of course. This whole album is top-notch all the way.

:flame:Defenders of the faith:flame:
We are strong
We will stand and fight
Its def' better than Paradise Lost. It took all the good from it, and improved on it. And removed most of, not all the bad. Lots of new symphony x moments, lots of classic symphony x moments which where hardly apparent on Paradise Lost. I personally think it sounds like The Odyssey and Paradise Lost had a baby. Thats how I feel about it! My iTunes Pre-order, and my HMV order will be comming soon enough :)

Nice to see Pinnella has come back in the mix, though I new this already since I saw them perform a few of the songs live in Montreal :) And have had the Itunes singles for sometime now!

Yeh I pre-ordered on Itunes, incase I missed day one release, and got the special edition pre-ordered and payed for at HMV
Yeah I think I'm gonna pass. If they make a live album soon, I'll check that out and see if the new songs sound good live.

You are entitled to listen to whatever you want... but I just can't get past the fact that a guy with the user name "SymphonyXV" wouldn't even want to bother listening to the album once! It just seems ridiculous to be so pessimistic and close minded about something you haven't even given a chance to yet. Your loss though.
^ I agree, for a bunch of prog snobs, we sure are terrified of change. Even if the album was horrible, id still buy it, because symphony x deserves it. I'm a supporter, and always will be. There is something for everyone in Iconoclast, if you're so pure and worried about disappointment listen to it from a friend, download it, I'm sure in the next couple weeks you will be able to listen to every song on youtube. Make your decision than, but it truely is a shame. Its not their best album yet, but its far from worst. Lots of magic to be heard!

EDIT: Obviously we are not all prog snobs. But come on, you get the idea. Everytime a band takes a different direction its blasphemy, especially for a band like symphony x. I'm personally happy the band is trying new things, it just broadens their appeal to me. Its trial or error, symphony x never has and hopefully never will. Write bad music, whether its something you like is a different story.
I'm not really a supporter. I am a consumer, I suppose. I don't forgive and I don't forget. I like albums that I like, be they from bands I previously loved or previously hated. I'll give most albums a chance, as it is absurd to write off music before listening to it or at the very least, before learning about what direction the band has taken. I think it's poor form though to buy anything a band makes just because they're your favorite band, or something like that. Yeah, you're helping them out. But it's also a vote for music you aren't into, if you aren't into it. Personally, I can only buy music I really like, and I can only say I really like what truthfully I enjoy, standing on its own merits and not on the shoulders of what the band had previously accomplished. This worshiping is absurd, and I will yet reserve my opinion of the album at this point. However, I can pass judgment on lyrics that were previously posted and ridiculed - yes, they suck. They suck, and no matter how good or how established or how great an album a band put out 15 years ago, they still suck. That comment, for you rabid worshiper types, pertains only to the shit lyrics that were called out here specifically and not to the album as a whole.

"We will stand and fight"? and all the darkness garbage... been done for the past 30, 40 years.
My username is actually SymphonyXV and I should have perhaps emphasized the V more. I like SX, don't get me wrong, but that doesn't mean I am obsessed with them and I definitely don't owe them anything. I never kiss up to bands. If I don't like a band's direction, that doesn't mean I'm not a tr00 fan, that just means I don't like their new direction. I really like V and most of DWOT and TIO, but I am not much of a fan of the majority of their work. If SX made a gangsta new wave deathcore album, most of you would say it's a masterpiece just because SX made it.

And also, I never said the new albums sucks. The main reason I am not going to listen to it is because I don't want to say it sucks. I have a gut feeling this album is just not for me based on samples I have heard and what others have been saying.
You are missing my point. I'm not saying you have to be a "tr00 fan" or worship the band or support them blindly. All I said was to give the album a chance by listening to it. I never said to just blindly buy it without hearing it. I happen to like every album Symphony X has made but there are plenty of bands I listen to where they have released things I don't like and I simply don't listen to those albums. That doesn't mean that I wont at least give a listen to something they put out before I condemn it as shit or because I am afraid I wont like it. And if Symphony X actually did release an album that I honestly thought was crap, I wouldn't be afraid to say it. Just because someone happens to like everything a band has released doesn't make them a mindless fan boy just because your opinion is different. I used to be a HUGE fan of Evergrey but ever since Monday Morning Apocalypse came out they haven't been very good. That doesn't change the fact that ISOT is an amazing album and it didn't stop me from giving Torn or Glorious Collision a chance. Even though both of those albums arnt very spectacular at least I gave them a listen and found a few songs I could enjoy to an extent. (and I know someone will make some smart ass comment about Evergrey always sucked or something, but it's just an example)

Even if you don't end up liking it, what did you really lose... 80 minutes of your life? Doesn't sound like a huge loss considering you might actually find some songs that you end up enjoying for a long time. But... like I said, your loss.