If I like Enslaved... (help needed)

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Whenever I can't sleep, I reach for something that really requires my full attention. Lately, I've been throwing on "Below the Lights" by Enslaved. I find there's something about this CD that really capitivates me, and draws me in. Not sure how to describe it exactly. Regardless, I thought I'd ask the board for some recommendations. If I dig this disc, what else would you recommend I check out? Thanks.

That's a damn good question. I'm sure this thread will turn out good.

Atmospheric and night time music that requires full attention...

Empyrium - Songs of Moors (one of the greatest albums, no shit)
Summoning - Dol Guldur (or any Summoning you for you, other than their debut)
Primordial - Spirit the Earth Aflame

I can't recommend those three highly enough, especially for your 'intertwining' tastes Zod.

Otherwise, Enslaved are pretty unique in their sound trademarks. However, if you want specifically Viking inspired music, try the latest Moonsorrow. That is highly atmospheric and you would probably dig it a lot.
I love that Hades album, though I'm not sure Zod would like those shrieking vocals. It is an excellent album, though. As is that Nachtfalke, though I prefer Hail Victory Teutonia.

The Primordial is a must. Excellent recommendation there.

I'm thinking he might like something by Sigh, perhaps Imaginary Sonicscape or even HHH.
General Zod said:
How does this compare to "Below" in terms of overall quality? Erik's review on RC called it "a confused affair".

I think Erik's confused. :tickled:

Seriously though, I love this album, it is very trippy, the concepts are strange...

I haven't in many years, but if you have ever taken mushrooms or any other psychedelic drug in your lifetime, you must listen to this album.

If I did drugs I could seriously imagine liking "Monumension" more than I do now as it very much has a 70's foggy, psychedelic feeling to it. The first song, "Convoys to Nothingness" is amazing, and some others like "Hollow Inside" are good as well, but on the whole it seems pretty incoherent to me. Don't think I've ever been able to sit through the whole thing at once. As I said in my review, "Mardraum" and "Monumension" sound like hit-and-miss experimentation albums to me; on "Below the Lights" they finally got that shit together.