If Mort Divine ruled the world

if anarchy would give me the freedom to put some of you scumbags to use as furthering the life span of the sun (by jettisoning you off the planet into it) then anarchy sounds good to me

no seriously though im not a feel-good feminista type stop being scum or stop breathing my air please

yes it would, i'm talking complete deconstruction of government, laws and societal limitations. people can fuck whoever they want, kill whoever they want and take whatever they want

i want fucking nuclear war to break out and annihilate the world as we know it and turn it into an apocalyptic wasteland where it's every man for himself

no more grinding mundane jobs in this shitty rat race, it'll be back to hunting, farming and bartering and the land will be ruled by weapons dealers, drug lords and pimps
Here's my theory: Oh hang on, I don't have one because I'd rather saw my own head off with a blunt chainsaw than ponder the relationship status of mort and his cisminion.
SJW's are retarded and they are generally in a fucking massive us and them dichotomy between themselves and an imagined reactionary white male mass, that might soil their beautiful cultural indian carpets and vomit on the chinese arts and crafts. It's a load of bullshit.

You seem to really be certain that everyone who disagrees with your way of thinking falls outside of the white male group, that seems pretty "us and them" to me bro.
I don't think that. Basically, SJWs have a fucked, overly complex value system that is the hellish combination of byproducts of Puritanical Christianity, for example moral universalism, white man's burden combined with white guilt, the myth of progress, the noble savage and acceptance of the media meme that white people who look out for "white interests" are inherently retarded. That's all a big clusterfuck of shit, that's way too detached from anything I'd call an interesting philosophy or political or economic view.

There doesn't need to be a big cultural, demographic or social change any more than the sky needs to become a pineapple. Any notion like that is dependent on a value system. The value system is everything, every object, every person, every concept, has a value. There is no perfection that is beyond a value system, so the bizarre mythical idea that perfection will come out of the collapse of certain Western value systems is a joke.

Utilitarianism is usually bankrupt and "applied" slapdash, whenever something that fits the interests of the ruling minority can be excused or explained with utilitarian ideas.

As funny as this drunken rambling is I dont think you have any idea what the hell you're actually talking about because none of this makes any sense.
yeah i have no fucking clue what this guy is even saying lmao. looks like some kind of bizarre white pride ad lib
You're both on my ignore list now anyway, if you can't read sentences unless you've already seen them in a social science journal then you're pretty much a basket case.
yea Sentinelslain has been here for years and his rants about the "oppression of whites" and how women are shallow and evil are always rambling and nonsensical like that :lol:
I think if you try and diffuse those sentences out a bit it makes a lot of sense, I've just condensed volumes of ideas into a few lines.

Feel like definitions are moved around to appease the victim, no?

To Ein, yes, words have histories not meanings <3
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