If Mort Divine ruled the world

Aren't there many studies showing how unhealthy it is to be sitting all day?

Yes, there are. There are also studies showing that manual labor isn't very healthy either--not being active, which is certainly healthy, but plenty of manual labor jobs are also not very ergonomic.

this # is so minuscule yet you act like it's statistically significant. man this is a weird conversation for you

It's not minuscule. According to the dept. of labor stats, the highest percentage of American jobs are professional/business and retail, many (if not most) of which are in urban or greater metropolitan areas. Now, this doesn't mean they outnumber the rest, but that's not "minuscule."

You often say things like this--"this is a weird conversation for you." This a rhetorical fallacy that combines elements of red herring and ad hominem: you're shifting focus from the argument to the fact that I'm focusing on it. But you're having the conversation too--so why isn't it weird for you?

You just don't like my argument, and you're collapsing that with presumptions about my character.

I think it's more that they don't have to own a car in the city because of proximity or they choose not to own one because parking is expensive. It isn't because of some strange desire to train their bodies. If I lived in a city and worked within the city, I would also walk to work because of the convenience factor regardless of being in shape or not.

That is why many people walk, yes--but people in urban centers still tend to be healthier in general, particular when it comes to diet and exercise.
Remember when Ein used to post about music too?


I think about this a lot. My time is so consumed with finishing my dissertation that I barely have a chance to check out new bands. It's kind of depressing.

The new Keldian album is bitchin though, although I don't think many people here really like them...
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Yes, there are. There are also studies showing that manual labor isn't very healthy either--not being active, which is certainly healthy, but plenty of manual labor jobs are also not very ergonomic.

dude, healthy and ergonomic are not synonymous. this is why it's a weird conversation for you.

It's not minuscule. According to the dept. of labor stats, the highest percentage of American jobs are professional/business and retail, many (if not most) of which are in urban or greater metropolitan areas. Now, this doesn't mean they outnumber the rest, but that's not "minuscule."

ok, you're not even following your own progression of thought here.

original claim : Urban office workers tend to spend more time walking to work and training their bodies.
me : this assertion that urban office workers are biking and walking to work for exercise is ridiculous in that the amount of people who actually do this is minuscule.
rebuttal: not addressing this at all because you already assume your assumption to the rational urban worker is correct when I have been arguing it is not right.

if people in the cities are so exercise conscious, why is urban development needed for LA with a fucking underground highway system or just standard subway/trolley development in any city? this is just not the norm even though you think it is. Because, yet again, those who live in cities tend to be smart/rational and think about all their actions and what they mean. You can't act like your own anecdotal life perspective isn't in question here when a majority of your claims are based on nothing but that.

and you can't start this "you don't like my argument" horseshit after you ignored several points now
original claim : Urban office workers tend to spend more time walking to work and training their bodies.
me : this assertion that urban office workers are biking and walking to work for exercise is ridiculous in that the amount of people who actually do this is minuscule.
rebuttal: not addressing this at all because you already assume your assumption to the rational urban worker is correct when I have been arguing it is not right.

I don't mean to be a dick, but your prose/responses are too ambiguous for you to complain about my comments.

Your response was directed at a comment from me that addressed walking to work and exercising. You proceeded to call that number "minuscule." I was referring to the population of urban workers because, generally speaking, urban centers tend to be healthier, i.e. people tend to walk to work more often and tend to exercise more. You're assuming that I'm conflating the two, but I'm saying they're separate activities.

If you want me to respond effectively to what you say, then you need to actually say what you mean.
Agreed, and I am generalizing. But it's true that people in major cities tend to be healthier--whether it's walking more, exercising more, eating healthier, or a combo, I'm not claiming to know one way or another.

It's also the case that the majority of urban and metropolitan jobs are in business, finance, etc.

Clearly this is a vague and highly general argument, and I'm not taking the time to go find stats on all this because I'm drawing on previous knowledge from various sources about the increase in urban jobs and the health of urban residents. I'm really sorry guys, but I just don't have time to go and find all the stats and numbers. I know you guys like that, so I understand if you won't trust the claims due to lack of statistical evidence. Pointing out that I'm not providing these won't change my mind, since I recall what I've read in the past (many of these sources go back years, which is why I'm not jumping up to go find them).

I really don't intend this to be insulting or stand-offish, but I kind of figure that if anyone cares to investigate a particular comment that is said on this forum, then he or she will go do some research of their own. That's how I approach this entire platform. We all say controversial things, but when one of you does so I usually go and do a Google search of my own.
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moving on out of frustration:

Here is Coates' reply to a student asking about the use of the word "my pals" by non-blacks(maybe just whites)

I think his answer is whack. Desire & White people must own everything. blegh
i've posted about this in two separate threads ya dork. but yeah this has been rumoured for at least two years and everyone has kind of known about it without being able to say too much. i was actually expecting this article to be worse, all things considered, but it's just more or less what we already knew - only more of it.

This guy didn't refute one single thing Spencer said and actually imo made Spencer seem reasonable compared to his emotional reactivity. People are actually applauding "journalists" who do this shit.
Polite? I found the journalist to be very passive-aggressive and at the very end, emotional and dismissive and childish.
But sure, nobody got punched or hit by a Dodge Challenger of peace.

Well, my expectations have been driven lower than normal (which are low) because of things like punching and Dodge Challengers.
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I'd need an uncut of that interview to be certain, but it looks like the reporter made Spencer look like an idiot to me. "I seriously doubt that" is apparently his ultimate answer to the only real discussion going on, the rest was just Spencer saying "You're not really British" probably knowing he'd offend him and end the interview short. "Look at the end result" is the most meaningless argument ever; I could train German Shepherds to rape a thousand children before forcing them to cannibalize each other in an open arena, and if the winner met somebody as a result that led to the birthing of another child that cured cancer, I'd be the good guy. And colonialsm blatantly did more harm than good to most if not all of the nations it touched. Tens of millions starved to death under the UK, just as many more were murdered, arbitrary borders were drawn that created wars we're still fighting to this day in the name of British Zionism, and even the supposed good they left like infrastructure or technology rarely came with the required education to maintain it. Guy's a fucking moron, the new David Duke for the MSM to whip out whenever the media want to smear some anti-establishment organization/movement that happens to be endorsed by Duke/Spencer.
Is it false that descendants of slavery living in America have better lives now than any African in Africa now or ever?

It's a controversial and interesting question to ask, Gary's response to it was not to point out that the current living situations of black Americans doesn't justify enslavement of their ancestors but rather to just basically whine.

"It's such a ridiculous notion."

Well, okay? Then he goes on to say that if slaves were able to stay in Africa, Africa might be a better place today. Maybe I'm missing something, I'm not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but what is a claim like that even based on?

It looks to me like Gary wasn't able to refute anything Spencer asserted, even though some of it was ridiculous and once Spencer realised this guy was a snowflake he just trolled him into ending the interview. This probably brightened Spencer's fucking day, meanwhile Gary is all mad and pissy on the drive home.