Speculation and extrapolation both involve uncertainty. Strictly speaking, logic is the attempted exoricism of uncertainty (unless we're talking about probabilistic logic, which is highly theoretical). Even inductive logic attempts to reduce uncertainty. By contrast, speculation and extrapolation exploit uncertainty. They might appeal to logic, but can be effective without being wholly logical. Additionally, analogical reasoning isn't strictly logical reasoning; it's reasoning by analogy (or by metaphor, comparison, juxtaposition, etc.) which is a creative form of induction. It doesn't infer from a single set of conditions (as does syllogism), but transfers the form of those conditions onto another set of conditions.
EDIT: For what it's worth, I'm contrasting evolving definitions of logic with traditional predicate logic. Scientists are working to adapt logical principles with new information, but it's changing the shape of what "logic" actually is. For example:
I don't see an important difference here between "fuzzy logic" and probabilistic approaches (despite the author's assertion that there is a difference), unless there's some sort of structural coding issue for AI that needs some sort of input flexibility that doesn't correspond exactly to a probability estimate with a confidence interval (which is, in a manner of speaking, fuzzy). I may not being clear enough; we likely should be approaching everything in terms of probability (that's a probabilistic statement in itself). But what does this have to do with fields which reject logic and science? "We need a new inter-sectional logic" "A decolonialized science" "A queer mathematics". There's likely an inverse relation between knowledge of hard science fields and the placement of these types of buzzwords around them as qualifiers.
In other words, it provides scientists with tips for where to locate further evidence for confirming evolutionary theory.
I'm not trying to undermine evolutionary theory here, for what it's worth; but you're not revealing any "concrete objects" that evolutionary theory produces or reveals. Scientists simply discover more evidence for the legitimacy of evolutionary theory. That evidence doesn't do much else outside of affirming the theory.
The difference is that the theory could be disconfirmed. Can't ever disconfirm Bigfoot. Or Patriarchy. All evidence is evidence for, even the absence or ostensible counter-evidence.
This is hilarious. You think the game is to figure out the right "myths" so as to secure funding? Look up the funding universities allocate for STEM and compare it with the women's and gender studies programs, then come back and keep comparing it to a conspiracy theory designed to earn dollar signs.
Do the people who publish in Environmental Pollution publish in Hypatia? I'm not sure what you're going on about. All fields "make up their own journals." For espousing logic so much you really don't present any in your posts. You're just lambasting fields you don't like.
Obviously there's not as much funding. So what? Enough to keep enough employed with otherwise useless degrees to keep the sham going. Why would people who publish in Environmental Pollution need to publish in Hypatia? They aren't producing arguments, research, or claims that apply. On the other hand, those publishing in Hypatia make claims about the environment:
From the last: