If Mort Divine ruled the world

A Somali-Canadian journalist returned to Somalia to tell ‘uplifting’ stories. Then terrorists killed her.

Hodan Nalayeh spent the last days of her life doing what she loved most: sharing a side of Somalia rarely depicted in the West. On Twitter, she posted photos of young boys grinning on the island of Ilisi, fresh fish and lobsters pulled straight from the Indian Ocean and a colorful sunset from the port city of Kismayo.

“It was an incredible day to witness #Somalia’s beauty,” the Somali-Canadian journalist wrote.

Then, on Friday, al-Shabab militants stormed the Asasey Hotel in Kismayo, killing at least 26 people, including Nalayeh, 43, and her husband, Farid Jama Suleiman. An additional 56 people were wounded. It took around 14 hours for Somali security forces to regain control of the hotel, where several tribal elders and another journalist, Mohamed Sahal Omar, were also killed. At least one American was among the dead, the State Department confirmed.

This is why Trump told those Democrats to go back to their countries and fix them, not so much because he wants them to do that, but rather to highlight that they can hate America (and the west in general) all they like, it means shit because they'd never return to the shitholes they or their family come from.

Go woke, get murdered by terrorists.
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A Somali-Canadian journalist returned to Somalia to tell ‘uplifting’ stories. Then terrorists killed her.

This is why Trump told those Democrats to go back to their countries and fix them, not so much because he wants them to do that, but rather to highlight that they can hate America (and the west in general) all they like, it means shit because they'd never return to the shitholes they or their family come from.

Go woke, get murdered by terrorists.

Because they are cowardly leeches.
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A Somali-Canadian journalist returned to Somalia to tell ‘uplifting’ stories. Then terrorists killed her.

This is why Trump told those Democrats to go back to their countries and fix them, not so much because he wants them to do that, but rather to highlight that they can hate America (and the west in general) all they like, it means shit because they'd never return to the shitholes they or their family come from.

Go woke, get murdered by terrorists.

Their country is America. That's the shithole they're trying to fix.
Pro-Trump Miss Michigan who refused to try on hijab stripped of title over twitter posts.


DeJack said that the MWA no longer recognizes her as a “participant of any sort or in any capacity” and demanded she removes all the mentions of her taking part in the pageant.

As Zhu pressed DeJack for more information, the director cited a 2016 tweet by Zhu, reading: “Did you know that the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks? Fix problems within you own community before blaming others.”

This is ridiculous and to work with someone that thinks statistics is racist is the last thing I want to do.

Damn redpilled Asian-Americans and their [rolls dice] facts and data.

Actually, I think you're both smarter than this. But it's kinda cute when you jerk each other off.

There are 195 agreed-upon nations in the world, and I highly doubt you would voluntarily move to the overwhelming majority willingly, even if you could magically speak the language fluently and they paid you equivalent to what you could make in the US. If the US is a shithole nation, what are the exemplar nations the US could learn from?
There are 195 agreed-upon nations in the world, and I highly doubt you would voluntarily move to the overwhelming majority willingly, even if you could magically speak the language fluently and they paid you equivalent to what you could make in the US. If the US is a shithole nation, what are the exemplar nations the US could learn from?

Again, you're smarter than this. Maybe you should act like it.
A comparison to what?

You understand that I get the point you’re making about Trump’s comment, yes? I understand that the general gist is that the Squad are criticizing America, and Trump is saying if they don’t like it here then they can leave.

But he specifically said they can go back where they came from, and they didn’t come from anywhere. They’re Americans. Three of them were born here, and one came over when she was ten. Trump’s comment makes no fucking sense. I’m glad you and others are amused by it, but you’re being amused by utter nonsense.
Googled Rashida Tlaib and holy loly she's cringe:

Later that day Tlaib attended a reception for the MoveOn campaign and spoke on stage. She ended the speech recounting a conversation she had with her son, him saying: "Look, mama, you won. Bullies don't win." Tlaib replied to him, she recounted, "Baby, they don't, because we're gonna go in there and impeach the motherfucker."

...and then her son stood up and clapped.
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I don't know shit about "the Squad" I just assumed Trump was referring to Ilhan Omar when he said what he said.

He specifically addressed his comment at all four of them. He told American-born citizens to go back to the countries they came from.

So interesting to see "Progressive" Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.

Stupid bullshit.
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