If Mort Divine ruled the world

And none of those things are "more important" than any other thing. The only way they become so is through language. The tide isn't more important than language simply because you can't argue your way out of drowning.

Drowned you doesn't know that (nor does the water). Repairs you paid for doesn't know that. Buried under bridge you doesn't know that (nor does the debris). Air temp around you doesn't know that. Etc. Etc.

Your intended point is that "importance" is determined by arguing. You can't argue when you are dead. You can't insert yourself into arguments without resources, which could be taken concretely. Importance is determined concretely prior to subjective insertions, because subjective insertions require concrete ability to insert.
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Importance is determined concretely prior to subjective insertions, because subjective insertions require concrete ability to insert.

False. Who could possibly determine said importance? Importance is only ever determined retroactively. Just because subjectivity requires material conditions doesn't mean those conditions are more important than subjectivity itself.

Importance isn't intrinsic to the inanimate material world. Importance comes from the interplay of language and value. The laws of physics aren't intrinsically more important than airliners simply because they inform how air travel works. There is no objective hierarchy of absolute value in the nonhuman world.
False. Who could possibly determine said importance? Importance is only ever determined retroactively. Just because subjectivity requires material conditions doesn't mean those conditions are more important than subjectivity itself.

Importance isn't intrinsic to the inanimate material world. Importance comes from the interplay of language and value. The laws of physics aren't intrinsically more important than airliners simply because they inform how air travel works. There is no objective hierarchy of absolute value in the nonhuman world.

Are you saying there was no importance computed before language? Do no animals attempt to preserve their own life? Do they not attempt to hunt/mate/eat/care for young/etc.? At this point I want to return to an earlier quote:

The point is you need words to make your argument about concrete.

Before words, before anything, you need to be alive. This is concrete. No spoken or written statements have been written by the never-born, and people can die before they make written or otherwise recorded arguments. Even if someone lives to makes recorded arguments via language, they need to be heard and accepted/passed on by living persons.

Words just don't walk around in a vacuum wording with words. To believe so is hyper-Christian:

John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Are you saying there was no importance computed before language? Do no animals attempt to preserve their own life? Do they not attempt to hunt/mate/eat/care for young/etc.? At this point I want to return to an earlier quote:

Mere survival doesn't entail the attribution of importance to life. Survival happens on an instinctual level. That's not importance; that's evolutionary behavior.

Importance only arises after language--it means something possesses significance or value. This comes from higher-level thinking. Prior to that, there's no importance intrinsic in the world. There's just behavior.

Before words, before anything, you need to be alive. This is concrete. No spoken or written statements have been written by the never-born

Computers would beg to differ.

Language is a part of material reality on par with things like concrete, gravity, life itself. Arguing for its diminutive status smacks of some kind of weirdly naive positivism--as though language is a passive medium through which the rest of the world passes. This is a dated position that fell out of fashion a while ago.

As far as your hyper-Christian comment, John was onto something when he said "In the beginning was the Word." Obviously language didn't breathe the universe into being; but it did allow certain beings (humans) to reflect upon the attribution of value and significance. And thence, the lord said "Let there be Importance."
Allow me to grease the slope further; the researcher Allyn Walker is a typical they/them woke Twitterati type. #resist

Okay, zer's Twitter is a goldmine of dodgy retweets and sleazy associations:






For anybody not familiar with Todd Nickerson, he's the so-called "virtuous pedophile" who did the rounds writing articles for leftist and liberal publications, was harassed by vigilantes, and is probably the first and most vocal proponent of the non-offending MAP idea. This woketard retweeted him.

Definitely no attempt to incorporate kid fuckers into the LGBTQ+ though, even though they bragged about getting their MAP research into the Journal of Homosexuality or some shit.

And zer's oldest Tweet is either satire or they were "redpilled" before going full woke.



One of the next Tweets was an anti-Israel one lmao.
Mere survival doesn't entail the attribution of importance to life. Survival happens on an instinctual level. That's not importance; that's evolutionary behavior.

Importance only arises after language--it means something possesses significance or value. This comes from higher-level thinking. Prior to that, there's no importance intrinsic in the world. There's just behavior.

You're arguing importance is language not behavior based. Ok, I'm fine with that as per Wittgenstein. I'm simply pointing out that behavior is concrete and precedes language. So importance is irrelevant. I'm celebrating behavior. Figure my usage of importance as = behavior that precedes language.

Computers would beg to differ.

Language is a part of material reality on par with things like concrete, gravity, life itself. Arguing for its diminutive status smacks of some kind of weirdly naive positivism--as though language is a passive medium through which the rest of the world passes. This is a dated position that fell out of fashion a while ago.

As far as your hyper-Christian comment, John was onto something when he said "In the beginning was the Word." Obviously language didn't breathe the universe into being; but it did allow certain beings (humans) to reflect upon the attribution of value and significance. And thence, the lord said "Let there be Importance."

This whole section contradicts the previous quote and agrees with my analysis in general. Behavior precedes analysis, and behavior is or can be disembodied. Again, one cannot argue with the life-eradicating crushing mass, whatever form that takes, and that form can be pre-gestation.
You're arguing importance is language not behavior based. Ok, I'm fine with that as per Wittgenstein. I'm simply pointing out that behavior is concrete and precedes language. So importance is irrelevant. I'm celebrating behavior. Figure my usage of importance as = behavior that precedes language.

But you're still relying on importance.

Language changes behavior and thought. Yes, there was non-linguistic behavior prior to language; but after language's emergence, behavior and cognition aren't the same. This doesn't change that humans need oxygen to breathe, but it does change our ability to conceptualize oxygen's importance. And that influences future behavior (e.g. constructing space- and scuba suits, engineering atmospheres on airplanes, etc.). Pre-linguistic behavior isn't more important than linguistic behavior simply because it came first.

Behavior precedes analysis, and behavior is or can be disembodied. Again, one cannot argue with the life-eradicating crushing mass, whatever form that takes, and that form can be pre-gestation.

I don't understand at all how behavior can be disembodied. Behavior is always embodied. Furthermore, speaking and writing are behaviors, acts.
Without it coming first and foremost, the rest doesn't come at all - I believe is the point.

Yes, I understand, but it's a flawed method of causal reasoning. Just because something comes first doesn't mean it's better, or more important, etc. It doesn't even mean it's necessary, in fact. Dak suggested that without life there's no language--but I pointed out that computers use language, and they're not alive according to most definitions.

Just because things happened the way they did doesn't mean they had to happen that way, or that another combination of contingent events couldn't give rise to similar circumstances. This is a familiar critique of causal reasoning in philosophy going back to Hume. The privileging of origins, or of more original states, awards a higher value to earlier moments in time simply because they came first. There's no necessity there. It might be the case that our evolutionary past gave rise to the bodies/minds we now enjoy, but that doesn't mean it's impossible that similar (or the same) forms would have arisen from drastically different evolutionary conditions. On a related note, the exact same evolutionary conditions of one million years ago wouldn't necessarily give rise to the same socio-linguistic circumstances we experience today, if we were able to replay the tape (so to speak).

But aside from that, this whole argument about whether language is as important (or necessary...?) as concrete, or other material objects (a finicky definition, as language is material, whether spoken or written) is a red herring, and I always feel a bit silly when I engage in the debate. Even if life can go on existing without language, making the leap to life being more important than language is simply a non sequitur. Bear in mind, I'm not even trying to say that language is more important than life, or concrete, or anything else. In fact, my argument is that it's preposterous to make such arguments since you need language in order to conceptualize things like "life," "language," and "concrete." It makes no sense to think of importance outside of linguistic (or at the very least, higher-level representational) cognition. So from there we move from importance to chronology: "well, life existed prior to language, so without life there's no language." To that, I repeat myself:

a) It's not necessarily true that without life there's no language.

b) Without language (or some other, comparable expressive/cognitive mode) we couldn't even begin to comprehend what it would mean for life to come first, or exist without language.
Edit: When I said disembodied behaviors I didn't mean non-material. I was referring to more base substrates than the full human body, animals, etc.

Yes, I understand, but it's a flawed method of causal reasoning. Just because something comes first doesn't mean it's better, or more important, etc. It doesn't even mean it's necessary, in fact. Dak suggested that without life there's no language--but I pointed out that computers use language, and they're not alive according to most definitions.

Just because things happened the way they did doesn't mean they had to happen that way, or that another combination of contingent events couldn't give rise to similar circumstances. This is a familiar critique of causal reasoning in philosophy going back to Hume. The privileging of origins, or of more original states, awards a higher value to earlier moments in time simply because they came first. There's no necessity there. It might be the case that our evolutionary past gave rise to the bodies/minds we now enjoy, but that doesn't mean it's impossible that similar (or the same) forms would have arisen from drastically different evolutionary conditions. On a related note, the exact same evolutionary conditions of one million years ago wouldn't necessarily give rise to the same socio-linguistic circumstances we experience today, if we were able to replay the tape (so to speak).

It's an aside but yes, there is computer language. Humans created the computer and the computer language. You don't have the computer to speak the language or the language itself without many prerequisites.

It's a specious move to say that "because things might have been some other way, how they actually are doesn't matter." It's very Rawlsian. It's true that theoretically there's no necessity, but not actually.

But aside from that, this whole argument about whether language is as important (or necessary...?) as concrete, or other material objects (a finicky definition, as language is material, whether spoken or written) is a red herring, and I always feel a bit silly when I engage in the debate. Even if life can go on existing without language, making the leap to life being more important than language is simply a non sequitur. Bear in mind, I'm not even trying to say that language is more important than life, or concrete, or anything else. In fact, my argument is that it's preposterous to make such arguments since you need language in order to conceptualize things like "life," "language," and "concrete." It makes no sense to think of importance outside of linguistic (or at the very least, higher-level representational) cognition. So from there we move from importance to chronology: "well, life existed prior to language, so without life there's no language." To that, I repeat myself:

a) It's not necessarily true that without life there's no language.

b) Without language (or some other, comparable expressive/cognitive mode) we couldn't even begin to comprehend what it would mean for life to come first, or exist without language.

It's also not necessarily true that there's no flying spaghetti monster. As far as Point B, I just don't see why you find this to be such an amazing argument. It's like arguing the territory only matters because we have a map. That's quite the perversion of "the map is not the territory."
Edit: When I said disembodied behaviors I didn't mean non-material. I was referring to more base substrates than the full human body, animals, etc.

But behavior doesn't end at genes, cells, etc. It extends to more complex behaviors like speech, reading, social etiquette, etc.

It's an aside but yes, there is computer language. Humans created the computer and the computer language. You don't have the computer to speak the language or the language itself without many prerequisites.

It's a specious move to say that "because things might have been some other way, how they actually are doesn't matter." It's very Rawlsian. It's true that theoretically there's no necessity, but not actually.

I didn't say that because things could be different, how they are doesn't matter. In fact, I'm saying that how things are does matter. Language matters, social organization matters, communication matters--all as much as the ground we walk on. Just because our experience is contingent on a series of past events (also entirely contingent) doesn't mean our experiences don't matter. It does mean, however, that our judgments about our experiences are also contingent, and dependent upon our perceptions as much as they are dependent on material conditions (a porous distinction in the first place).

Whenever we have this conversation, you tend to extend my emphasis on perspectivism to a radical extreme: i.e. that nothing matters except what we perceive. That's not what I'm saying. I am saying that our perceptions exist as part of the material world, and are therefore as important as any other aspect of reality (however we define it).

Finally, it's not true that actually there's no necessity, as it's been defined scientifically and philosophically. Or rather, I should say that it's only possible necessity exists, and it's certainly not proven to exist; empirically speaking, it's impossible to observe,measure, or quantify. The statement "theoretically there's no necessity, but not actually" is, actually, a specious claim, as it's impossible for you to prove it. The very fact that things happened a certain way doesn't prove necessity; all it proves is that things could have happened one particular way (i.e. the way they did).

Scientific evidence supports contingency more than it supports necessity, given the variability of repeatable experiments. Of course, there's no perfectly repeatable experiment (that I'm aware of); but all signs point to the idea that if you could perfectly replicate past conditions, there's still no reason to assume things would turn out the same. That might be theoretical, but it concerns the actual. Your observation that things did happen a particular way is a value-less observation. You're attributing value to it based on the preconceptions you already hold.

It's also not necessarily true that there's no flying spaghetti monster.

Again, this is your fallback move. I can't disagree; but we're not talking about flying spaghetti monsters. You're retreating from logic and resorting to rhetoric.

As far as Point B, I just don't see why you find this to be such an amazing argument. It's like arguing the territory only matters because we have a map. That's quite the perversion of "the map is not the territory."

"Matter" is a fun word. Territory matters regardless of the map--mainly because it is matter (but then again, so is the map).

Again, you're twisting my words into meaning that language is more important than life, soil, rock, the planet, the universe, etc. etc. You're inverting the argument. I'm saying that words and language are also matter. They're figures on a page, on cave walls, they're sound waves issuing from our mouths, they're grooves in a phonograph. They also matter, and they matter as much as life, soil, rock, the planet, the universe, etc. etc. I'm not trying to diminish the importance of non-linguistic objects.

Your central point seems to be, as far as I can tell, that chronology bestows greater and lesser degrees of importance on various things. Example: Oxygen allows humans to live; without living humans, we wouldn't have computers. Ergo, oxygen is more important than computers. The logic of this statement is that oxygen permitted computers to come into being, and without oxygen computers would never have come into existence. This is where things fall apart, theoretically and actually. You're simply choosing chronology as your metric of importance, but nothing about it is absolute or guaranteed. You also can't prove that computers would never come into existence without oxygen.

If you want to be a true materialist (not in the Marxist sense, but in the scientific sense), then your best bet is to abandon the idea of an absolute, universal chronology grounding some kind of fixed hierarchy of value.

Whoo--sorry if there are errors or any other idiosyncrasies above, this is getting long and involved and I'm typing quickly.
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But behavior doesn't end at genes, cells, etc. It extends to more complex behaviors like speech, reading, social etiquette, etc.

Well that's a given, but those are indeed "complex" in some sense, and are on top quite a large stack of prerequisites, contingent as they may be. As such, I'm very interested in that stack of prerequisites. In terms of outcomes, a very, very simplified example of this is the old ditty that starts with "for want of a nail a shoe was lost."

I didn't say that because things could be different, how they are doesn't matter. In fact, I'm saying that how things are does matter. Language matters, social organization matters, communication matters--all as much as the ground we walk on. Just because our experience is contingent on a series of past events (also entirely contingent) doesn't mean our experiences don't matter. It does mean, however, that our judgments about our experiences are also contingent, and dependent upon our perceptions as much as they are dependent on material conditions (a porous distinction in the first place).

Whenever we have this conversation, you tend to extend my emphasis on perspectivism to a radical extreme: i.e. that nothing matters except what we perceive. That's not what I'm saying. I am saying that our perceptions exist as part of the material world, and are therefore as important as any other aspect of reality (however we define it).

Finally, it's not true that actually there's no necessity, as it's been defined scientifically and philosophically. Or rather, I should say that it's only possible necessity exists; empirically speaking, it's impossible to observe. The statement "theoretically there's no necessity, but not actually" is, actually, a specious claim, as it's impossible for you to prove it. The very fact that things happened a certain way doesn't prove necessity; all it proves is that things could have happened one particular way (i.e. the way they did).

Scientific evidence supports contingency more than it supports necessity, given the variability of repeatable experiments. Of course, there's no perfectly repeatable experiment (that I'm aware of); but all signs point to the idea that if you could perfectly replicate past conditions, there's still no reason to assume things would turn out the same. That might be theoretical, but it concerns the actual. Your observation that things did happen a particular way is a value-less observation. You're attributing value to it based on the preconceptions you already hold.

Well then maybe the difference is that you hold everything as equally as important, and I don't hold things as equally as important as each other. But when you say that you can't have value, (or perceptions, arguments, etc.) without language or without them being processed in language, I think you could see how I might interpret that in the extreme case.

Again, this is your fallback move. I can't disagree; but we're not talking about flying spaghetti monsters. You're retreating from logic and resorting to rhetoric.

We aren't talking about flying spaghetti monsters, but the logic is the same, which is my point (i.e., I don't want to divert the conversation to FSMs). I'm fine with using counterfactuals in some cases, but they aren't useful when talking about how things are. And I think that might be where the main divide is.....

"Matter" is a fun word. Territory matters regardless of the map--mainly because it is matter.

Again, you're twisting my words into meaning that language is more important than life, soil, rock, the planet, the universe, etc. etc. You're inverting the argument. I'm saying that words and language are also matter. They're figures on a page, on cave walls, they're sound waves issuing from our mouths, they're grooves in a phonograph. They also matter, and they matter as much as life, soil, rock, the planet, the universe, etc. etc. I'm not trying to diminish the importance of non-linguistic objects.

Your central point seems to be, as far as I can tell, that chronology bestows greater and lesser degrees of importance on various things. Example: Oxygen allows humans to live; without living humans, we wouldn't have computers. Ergo, oxygen is more important than computers. The logic of this statement is that oxygen permitted computers to come into being, and without oxygen computers would never have come into existence. This is where things fall apart, theoretically and actually. You're simply choosing chronology as your metric of importance, but nothing about it is absolute or guaranteed. You also can't prove that computers would never come into existence without oxygen.

If you want to be a true materialist (not in the Marxist sense, but in the scientific sense), then your best bet is to abandon the idea of an absolute, universal chronology grounding some kind of fixed hierarchy of value.

Why would I need to? I don't need "universal chronology". I'm simply pointing to the only chronology we received. You keep referring to the theoretical multiverse, or wanting to play time-traveler. Those are of no help here. The universes that we don't live in are irrelevant in this context. The timeline or universe where the bridge doesn't collapse is irrelevant in this timeline in this universe.
Well then maybe the difference is that you hold everything as equally as important, and I don't hold things as equally as important as each other. But when you say that you can't have value, (or perceptions, arguments, etc.) without language or without them being processed in language, I think you could see how I might interpret that in the extreme case.

Outside of human cognition, the closest theory I can think of that purports value in the world is Jakob von Uexküll's biosemiotics. According to Uexküll, we can intuit something like value within any given organism's worldview, or umwelt. For example, wood and other materials possess some kind of value to the beaver, as it uses such materials to build dams. This is value outside of human perception, but it doesn't make wood any more or less valuable than anything else; it only makes it valuable for the beaver.

Even limiting our discussion to human experience, saying that oxygen is more important than computers (for example) simply because without oxygen humans wouldn't have emerged and wouldn't have invented computers (most likely) is, I'm pretty sure, a fallacy of irrelevance. Computers might never have existed if the planet didn't have oxygen, but that's not a reliable metric of their importance to modern human society. It's simply a non sequitur to leap from prior existence to qualitative importance.

Why would I need to? I don't need "universal chronology". I'm simply pointing to the only chronology we received. You keep referring to the theoretical multiverse, or wanting to play time-traveler. Those are of no help here. The universes that we don't live in are irrelevant in this context. The timeline or universe where the bridge doesn't collapse is irrelevant in this timeline in this universe.

They are helpful because they make plain the lack of substance in issuing some kind of objective--or even anthropocentric--value to things that came first in our history/evolution. Importance doesn't derive solely from order of appearance. I'm not sure how else to say it. The contingency of something happening prior to, and giving rise to, something else doesn't automatically place it in a higher tier of importance; and something's importance might vary from person to person.

To go back to our concrete example, someone could easily argue that language is more important because it's only through discourse that knowledge of the bridge's integrity (or lack thereof) is made widely known.
Outside of human cognition, the closest theory I can think of that purports value in the world is Jakob von Uexküll's biosemiotics. According to Uexküll, we can intuit something like value within any given organism's worldview, or umwelt. For example, wood and other materials possess some kind of value to the beaver, as it uses such materials to build dams. This is value outside of human perception, but it doesn't make wood any more or less valuable than anything else; it only makes it valuable for the beaver.

Even limiting our discussion to human experience, saying that oxygen is more important than computers (for example) simply because without oxygen humans wouldn't have emerged and wouldn't have invented computers (most likely) is, I'm pretty sure, a fallacy of irrelevance. Computers might never have existed if the planet didn't have oxygen, but that's not a reliable metric of their importance to modern human society. It's simply a non sequitur to leap from prior existence to qualitative importance.

Well I am not familiar with "biosemiotics", but it seems to describe my anthropocentric position so I'll allow it as described. I should reiterate that my position is always anthropocentric, while I know yours is/may not be, which is another point of departure. I disagree with the second paragraph entirely. Using your example: There are a practically uncountable number of things which depend on oxygen, both through and without humans, aside from the computer(s). Humans can do perfectly fine without computers. There are even arguments that computers worsen the human condition. That may not be said about oxygen.

They are helpful because they make plain the lack of substance in issuing some kind of objective--or even anthropocentric--value to things that came first in our history/evolution. Importance doesn't derive solely from order of appearance. I'm not sure how else to say it. The contingency of something happening prior to, and giving rise to, something else doesn't automatically place it in a higher tier of importance; and something's importance might vary from person to person.

To go back to our concrete example, someone could easily argue that language is more important because it's only through discourse that knowledge of the bridge's integrity (or lack thereof) is made widely known.

Bridges existed prior to language as far as we know (even if simply a log spanning a divide, which one could test for rottenness without language). I'll agree that order of appearance doesn't by itself transmit importance. Some things are extinct and good riddance (or extinct and some person might miss it). But there are things which are fundamental for humans in given (and mostly universal contexts within our actual timeline and universe), which have their own fundamental prerequisites. Now, it is true that in certain environments, that optimal resources and mixes of various more base materials are different than others, e.g., different types of road construction are required depending on a variety of factors. That's not a counter though, as what I'm saying does scale down locally when we talk about details.
Humans can do perfectly fine without computers. There are even arguments that computers worsen the human condition. That may not be said about oxygen.

Modern humans can't do perfectly fine without computers. If all the computers instantaneously vanished, a lot of people would die.

Also, too much oxygen can cause hyperoxia.

Bridges existed prior to language as far as we know (even if simply a log spanning a divide, which one could test for rottenness without language). I'll agree that order of appearance doesn't by itself transmit importance. Some things are extinct and good riddance (or extinct and some person might miss it). But there are things which are fundamental for humans in given (and mostly universal contexts within our actual timeline and universe), which have their own fundamental prerequisites. Now, it is true that in certain environments, that optimal resources and mixes of various more base materials are different than others, e.g., different types of road construction are required depending on a variety of factors. That's not a counter though, as what I'm saying does scale down locally when we talk about details.

One can test a log for rottenness without language, but good luck getting tests done on modern bridges without some form of written communication.

Just because humans could get by in preliterate cultures without written language doesn't mean language is less important than building materials as of today. It's this transcendence of importance across millennia that doesn't hold up.

EDIT: but I appreciate the conversation, and I'm not sure what more we'll be able to say on the topic.
Modern humans can't do perfectly fine without computers. If all the computers instantaneously vanished, a lot of people would die.

Also, too much oxygen can cause hyperoxia.

I'm going to ignore the latter statement because we aren't talking about that. We are talking about absence, not forced overabundance. It is true that if computers all suddenly vanished many people would die. That's precisely why I hold my position - computers are important, which makes what keeps them available and working even more critical. The computer is the modern human's "kingdom lost". So I'm interested in things like nails and shoes. I'm not interested in calling a nail something different because reasons.

One can test a log for rottenness without language, but good luck getting tests done on modern bridges without some form of written communication.

Just because humans could get by in preliterate cultures without written language doesn't mean language is less important than building materials as of today.

Like with computers, erasing language entirely would be a catastrophe, but not human-erasing, like the erasing of oxygen would be (in around 4-26 minutes). Language also isn't homogeneous. There are many languages. So I'm also interested in what happens with the inability to communicate due to language differences. Also, it's true, one can't test for rottenness in modern bridges without not only language, but a stack of complex knowledge of math and materials. This stack has multiple failure points, including not understanding the language the knowledge is compiled in. I'm very interest in failure points. The fact that there are things like failure points also provides weights on importance.