If Mort Divine ruled the world

I think I am still just a little bit high

The list of specific things that instantly hit me were all of those 90's Marvel and DC issues and story-arcs of superhero comics that the comic's writer(s) needed to referr to as being "not social commentary"
I think I am still just a little bit high

The list of specific things that instantly hit me were all of those 90's Marvel and DC issues and story-arcs of superhero comics that the comic's writer(s) needed to referr to as being "not social commentary"

Yeah I highly doubt those were actually devoid of social commentary.
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Black reaction gifs/memes online have been called "digital blackface" for a bunch of years at this point.

Personally I think it's a stupid concept (black reaction gifs/memes are a natural byproduct of the culture diversifying) but that article is perfectly consistent with it.
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I could understand whites being called out if they share GIFs/memes of black people excessively or almost exclusively. But otherwise the GIFs are usually just a pick of the best reaction for the situation, and most of them are of actors, so arguably it's a compliment to their skills. I could imagine Facebook eventually overstepping and blocking a whole bunch of GIFs/photos of black people or something moronic like that.

Oh yeah, I got my first warning on FB recently for suggesting kicking Bolsonaro in the balls. :D
Saving the balls of fascism from the vicious Bloopy.

My account is considered a risk because I've been tempbanned 4 times for sharing Youtube links with nipples in the thumbnail. Such a shitty site.
To be brief, I would say that aesthetic efforts absent any political or social considerations whatsoever don't qualify as art. Art connotes something more than mastery of craft/technique. Someone can paint an immaculate landscape piece that looks like a photograph, but that technical proficiency alone doesn't make it art.

This block of text looks so ridiculously pretentious and elitist that I initially thought it was sarcasm

I was as high as a kite when I wrote the post about the superhero comics

Your Bob Ross reference is hilarious because it actually does a much better job of debunking your own claim than my intoxication-induced reference to superhero comics

Bob Ross' art show specifically purposely didn't show any kind of social commentary or political views

The art was just merely art and nothing else
The art was pretty and that's all it was because that's all it needed to be

There was no social commentary or political views in the art or the show because the show was merely a display of the prettyness of the art

What if the social commentary is super subtle or something that a person disagrees with??

Is the horribly unobservant person not allowed to enjoy the prettyness of the art with super subtle social commentary??

And let's not forget the fact that 99 percent of "social commentary" is done in a way where there is going to be a ton of Americans who will vehemently disagree with what ever the fuck the author believes, so then,
If the social commentary in a work of art makes the creator's opinions clearly unistakabe, then, are we not allowed to enjoy the prettyness of the art while simultaneously disagreeing with the social/political views of the creator?? For example, there are a lot of people who vehemently disagree with the clearly unistakabe opinions of the principal protagonist of their favorite movie or novel

If you found all of the people who love Bob Ross' art and if you found 2 who would agree with each other about which one is their favorite Bob Ross painting, you could easily have found 2 people who vehemently disagree with each other about everything else
If one Bob Ross fan is a Trump supporter and the other is super excited about Kamala Harris being vice president, why can't they both love the same Bob Ross painting??

And, further more, social commentary is not always art
Sometimes social commentary is clearly "not art" written in a way that is unartisticly attempting to get the whole world pissed off at the status quo or pissed off at the possibility of the status quo changing, are these text-only, non-fiction, almost-propoganda articles actually art??
Of course not, but why does art need to be social commentary instead of merely pretty??

Think of your favorite porn-clip
Think of a clip so erotic that you just can't stop yourself from getting a boner
Don't over-think the art here
You don't need to over analyse the art of porn
You don't need to psychoanalyse the porn star to enjoy the prettyness of her body, you don't need to know why she is so eagerly doing the specific fetish thing that your sex partner will never do in a million years
Porn doesn't need to have political views or be social commentary any more so than Bob Ross' Paintings needed to be anything else but "pretty art"
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In response to the black face thing

In the United States
Black people are only 12 percent of the people who are actually physically here, so why the fucking hell are we giving them the bullshit that they want??

Can we (the United States as a country) please stop trying to make a mere 12 percent of the country happy

If everyone else bows down to the mere 12 percent, then that's an aristocracy all over again
This block of text looks so ridiculously pretentious and elitist that I initially thought it was sarcasm

I was as high as a kite when I wrote the post about the superhero comics

Your Bob Ross reference is hilarious because it actually does a much better job of debunking your own claim than my intoxication-induced reference to superhero comics

Bob Ross' art show specifically purposely didn't show any kind of social commentary or political views

The art was just merely art and nothing else
The art was pretty and that's all it was because that's all it needed to be

There was no social commentary or political views in the art or the show because the show was merely a display of the prettyness of the art

What if the social commentary is super subtle or something that a person disagrees with??

Is the horribly unobservant person not allowed to enjoy the prettyness of the art with super subtle social commentary??

And let's not forget the fact that 99 percent of "social commentary" is done in a way where there is going to be a ton of Americans who will vehemently disagree with what ever the fuck the author believes, so then,
If the social commentary in a work of art makes the creator's opinions clearly unistakabe, then, are we not allowed to enjoy the prettyness of the art while simultaneously disagreeing with the social/political views of the creator?? For example, there are a lot of people who vehemently disagree with the clearly unistakabe opinions of the principal protagonist of their favorite movie or novel

If you found all of the people who love Bob Ross' art and if you found 2 who would agree with each other about which one is their favorite Bob Ross painting, you could easily have found 2 people who vehemently disagree with each other about everything else
If one Bob Ross fan is a Trump supporter and the other is super excited about Kamala Harris being vice president, why can't they both love the same Bob Ross painting??

And, further more, social commentary is not always art
Sometimes social commentary is clearly "not art" written in a way that is unartisticly attempting to get the whole world pissed off at the status quo or pissed off at the possibility of the status quo changing, are these text-only, non-fiction, almost-propoganda articles actually art??
Of course not, but why does art need to be social commentary instead of merely pretty??

Think of your favorite porn-clip
Think of a clip so erotic that you just can't stop yourself from getting a boner
Don't over-think the art here
You don't need to over analyse the art of porn
You don't need to psychoanalyse the porn star to enjoy the prettyness of her body, you don't need to know why she is so eagerly doing the specific fetish thing that your sex partner will never do in a million years
Porn doesn't need to have political views or be social commentary any more so than Bob Ross' Paintings needed to be anything else but "pretty art"

Is the purposeful absence of political/social commentary not in and of itself a political decision?

In response to the black face thing

In the United States
Black people are only 12 percent of the people who are actually physically here, so why the fucking hell are we giving them the bullshit that they want??

Can we (the United States as a country) please stop trying to make a mere 12 percent of the country happy

If everyone else bows down to the mere 12 percent, then that's an aristocracy all over again


By this definition, freeing blacks from slavery was actually a creation of a new aristocracy, because the majority bent to the desires of an extreme minority?

I know you're a homeless crackhead but that's a uniquely retarded comment. Also complaints about "digital blackface" probably come more from whites than blacks anyway.
A creapy thought

TV producers could probably now easily make a Bob Ross type of show featuring paintings and actually specifically asking the audience to agree with the political opinions of the artist making paintings, but no one has ever thought about it yet
I know you're a homeless crackhead but that's a uniquely retarded comment. Also complaints about "digital blackface" probably come more from whites than blacks anyway.
I'm not meth high now, but I am still awake and it's 4: 24 AM here and I haven't had much sleep this week and sleep deprivation is making me feel like I'm weed high and it's probably fucking up my typing
I don't know why you guys are arguing with Ein about subjective stuff. He's charted a successful career path into a social milieu which requires that one believe or at least profess certain things about art, among other things. Randos on the interwebs don't provide sufficient social pressure to change one's mind about such things. He could indeed choose to profess many things while holding other beliefs, but this sort of life is difficult for most, and in many cases, why bother?
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