If the world could vote

Well I am not weeping.
What pisses me off is the media who claim he was the "right wing" politician. Right wing? My ass.

You mean, "EXTREME right wing." Ever since he first appear in the news in 2000, I have never heard of Euro media refer to Haider as anything except "EXTREME far right." Same with that guy Strache.

Is there anything in Austria that could be called right, medium right, or moderate right? (Or, compared to the other parties, non-Bolshevik?)

Oh well. Joerg shouldn't have downed 12 shots of schnapps before falling into the overpriced seat of his overpriced Volkswagen Phaeton and going for a roll down idyllic country lanes to his mother's birthday party...

You mean, "EXTREME right wing." Ever since he first appear in the news in 2000, I have never heard of Euro media refer to Haider as anything except "EXTREME far right." Same with that guy Strache.

Is there anything in Austria that could be called right, medium right, or moderate right? (Or, compared to the other parties, non-Bolshevik?)

Oh well. Joerg shouldn't have downed 12 shots of schnapps before falling into the overpriced seat of his overpriced Volkswagen Phaeton and going for a roll down idyllic country lanes to his mother's birthday party...


Well he was more like bolshevik to me. In here, people (and journalists) tend to think that "right" means "hating minorities and stuff".
Yeah, he didn't give a crap about the maximum speed. Many politicians do that. See? It can be deadly.

Check this out. Guess good ole Mac would be in the need of few more Czech fellows with American citizenship :)

How's this? A retard was forced to vote for Obama.

ALBANY, GA (WALB) - There are allegations of voter fraud, as a Dougherty County family claims the vote of a mentally challenged relative was stolen.

They say the adult day rehab program where Jack Justice attends took him to vote, without the family's permission. What's worse is Justice says the person helping him wouldn't cast the ballot for his choice for President.

Jack Justice has been voting since he turned 18. Typically his family takes him to their neighborhood precinct. This time Primus Industries, his adult day rehab program, took him to vote. His family was shocked, but what shocked them more was that Jack claims that his aide commandeered his vote.

"They told me to vote for Obama, I said no I wanted to vote for McCain," said Jack Justice, a voter.

Jack Justice says the person helping him, selected Obama's name. His sister says the family is often asked to sign a permission slips for trips, but for this they were never notified.

"No permission slips, no nothing, he just came home and said he had gone," said Nancy Justice, Jack's sister.

We questioned election officials about the procedure, who say they recall the group coming in to vote and an aide was helping the individuals, but they must sign an oath that they'll cast the ballot however the voter prefers.


McCain voter?

Retards allowed to vote? Question, people: Why is this shit even allowed to happen?

How fuckin diseased is our republic that we allow fuckin drooling retards to choose the next...

Wait, wait, wait. ...I'm sticking my own foot in my mouth again, ain't I?

If the rest of the world is pro-Obama, this is probably one of the reasons for it...

Speaking of retards, this is where the republicans get their supporters?
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WASHINGTON (Oct. 17) - Democrat Barack Obama on Friday won endorsements from two unlikely newspapers -- the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.
While the Tribune is the largest daily in Obama's hometown, the publication hasn't backed a Democrat in its 161-year history. And the Times hasn't endorsed a presidential candidate since 1972, when it backed President Richard M. Nixon's re-election. This is also the first time it's endorsing a Democrat for president