If you are on line now.

Wow that was brilliant tonight. Probably about the best 20 minutes of my life - ran a lovely long hot soapy bath, poured myself a glass of wine and then sat back and tuned into PlanetRock just in time for 747 - supreme or what. Biff comes across fantatic on the radio, interesting and funny and with a sexy voice to boot - awesome!!!!! Was a bit wary of the new single just in case God forbid I didnay like it BUT IT IS TREMENDOUS. As soon as it started, I just absolutely loved it and if the album version is heavier, well hellsbells thats even better:headbang: .

And we all know its true what he says that they should be as big as the likes of Maiden, cos we all know that the mighty Saxon are forty thousand times better than Maiden AND LIVE, THERE IS NO BETTER BAND THAN SAXON, FULL STOP END OF STORY!!!!!! I had my doubts about this Harvey guy in the beginning but I think I'm gonny be proved wrong. And if Maiden's Different World can go into the charts at number 5 or 7 whatever it was, surely to fook Saxon deserve to go into the number one slot, thats where they belong.

CANNY WAIT FOR THE 28th FEBRUARY NOW - ITS GONNY BE MEGA MEGA AWESOME!!!!! Who else is going to Glesgae then????
Basically that new song had excellent foundations, but the production was pretty awful. Im hoping like Biff says the album will be different, i dont think Saxon need to change their style to try become successful properly again, as it won't happen. The state of UK music is a joke, people (idiots) would rather listen to electronic bleeps than proper music. Saxon should stay down the lionheart route, as that was one of the best albums of any band ever

Oh and i dont agree with Biff about there only being Def Lep, Maiden and saxon

I think Def Lep lost there NWOBHM roots years ago, Maiden and Saxon yes, But Blitzkrieg and Diamond head amongst others are still going and releasing music