If you could choose one song to some up Opeth...

imo why imo would imo you imo want imo to imo sum imo up imo all imo of imo opeth's imo music imo into one song when the beuaty of their music is found throuyght their vast catolouge of opuses, imo
SethCohen said:
imo why imo would imo you imo want imo to imo sum imo up imo all imo of imo opeth's imo music imo into one song when the beuaty of their music is found throuyght their vast catolouge of opuses, imo

imo the oc is imho very omo GAY. why would you make your account dedicated to a show made for tragic 13 year old girls?

the moor, april ethereal or of course GoP. too hard to choose.
I've always liked To Bid you Farewell. It has the acoustic parts and then the harder melodic stuff. Just a genious fuckin song.

But I must agree with a whole bunch of people that the Drapery Falls sums up their greatness.
Pethical said:
its good that there is a wide variety of choices. i dont know if i would choose one song to some up opeth because thats not what opeth is about

True, true. But if I had to choose one that sums up what Opeth means to me, it would be the Face of Melinda.
~random~ said:
True, true. But if I had to choose one that sums up what Opeth means to me, it would be the Face of Melinda.
how the fuck do you manage to breathe? face of melinda?!?!

and its fucking "sum"
godhead lament!!! too me tat is, the song has everything in it that i love about opeth.
stole_my_bike said:
how the fuck do you manage to breathe? face of melinda?!?!

and its fucking "sum"

Have you ever put that song on in the dark, lay down and just listened to it. Holy shit. Oh, by the way, check it out... I did type 'sum,' jackass. Back to elementary school.