If you could get Steve anything......


Kieran MacGough
Oct 12, 2008
Rhosgoch - Mid Wales
A little gremlin told me it was Steve's B'day on Monday...so I raise the question: If you could get him ANYTHING, what would it be and why?

This could get interesting :p

Some serious exposure and a deal with a major record label. I can't think of anyone else who, in my opinion, deserves to be rocking it up on the biggest stages in the world in front of thousands.

It's my birthday at the end of the month too!
Hmm......I guess at this point it would be a good thing to say that I am no longer in DSG. David felt that he needed the band based in Chicago so they could jam/rehearse a few times a week. totally understand the sentiment. I'm used to working with people spread around the world but there was no way I could fly to Chicago every week or even every month. I wish David, Mike and the new guys in the band all the very best!

It was fun while it lasted though!
Wow, that's weird, I was just thinking about your involvement in DSG this morning (for the first time in a long time). Sucks to hear that, but it's easy to understand why.

Oh well, still got the Quest, haha.
Hmm......I guess at this point it would be a good thing to say that I am no longer in DSG. David felt that he needed the band based in Chicago so they could jam/rehearse a few times a week. totally understand the sentiment. I'm used to working with people spread around the world but there was no way I could fly to Chicago every week or even every month. I wish David, Mike and the new guys in the band all the very best!

It was fun while it lasted though!
Sorry to hear that Steve! But you've got the Quest to crack on with now ;)
Sorry to hear about DSG, though I can certainly understand it.

Not sure if you guys know yet, but any chance of other US dates when you come over for Prog Power? I understand you can not release anything official at the moment. I suppose I am curious to know if it is going to be given any consideration.
Chity Somapala, right? Former Firewind vocalist? Maaan, that guy's got an incredible voice.