Pledge for more Power?

Mar 10, 2008
Abingdon, UK
Hey Guys!

It's been a while since I've made a post here but, given the sad news that the Quest is no more, I felt like saying a few words and suggesting something.

First off, I'd like to say thanks to Steve and the rest of the Quest for making some cracking music :rock: there are so many amazing PQ songs, and I'm proud to have been along for the journey since 2007.

Secondly, I just wanted to throw a suggestion out to all the PQ fans... I'm sure many of you will have heard of a site called 'Pledge Music' (for those that haven't it's basically a place where musicians/bands can start campaigns to raise money for albums, tour support, exclusive items etc.) you can probably tell where I'm going with this but if a campaign were set up on the site for Power Quest, how many of you would be interested in pledging money for say a farewell album, tour support to help Steve on the last few dates, or something else to that effect?

I for one would love to set up a campaign to get 'The Tragedy Suite' released as an E.P, but obviously Steve would have to agree to do this if the campaign reached its target :lol:

If nothing else, I thought it might be nice to give a little back for all the effort (and money) Steve has spent over the years. What do you reckon?

P.S - I mean no disrespect or disregard for Steve's statement about ending the quest, and completely understand if a pledge campaign is the last thing he'd want set up.
I've always been a fan of this idea and I think we've even discussed it in the past. I would absolutely pledge a lot of money, and I got some texts a few days ago from a couple friends who said they'd do something like this as well. One day I would love to see something like this happen, but of course, only if Steve is comfortable with it!
I basically feel the same way as Mike. I would definitely contribute a decent amount of money towards it and I've heard a lot of success about different projects, Music and other forms of entertainment-wise, with Kickstarter.
This sort of thing has been suggested time after time but for whatever reason the idea hasn't been put into action.

I, along with everyone who's made the same noises, would give handsomely to PQ. PQ's problem is finance and here there's some money on a plate. It might not be enough to keep PQ going but if there's even the possibility of one last release (EP, live CD, DVD?) then I'm all over it.
At the moment I'm not in the situation where I can give money away. I'm in a economical situation where I barely know if I'll be able to pay the rent. But I'd absolutely give to Power Quest in the future, once I have a steady check.
Hey guys

One of the issues here is that "technically" we still owe Napalm another until that is resolved I don't think this can fly. I certainly couldn't sanction a fan funded release that is then owned by someone who hasn't contributed.

I agree that this is absolutely the way forward and something that I will be giving my full attention in the future, that's for sure :-)
YAY! A glimmer of hope and something to stay positive about :)
So many questions! Having to hold them in for the impending Q&A is not making anything easier but that little glimmer is something at least.
Hey guys

One of the issues here is that "technically" we still owe Napalm another until that is resolved I don't think this can fly. I certainly couldn't sanction a fan funded release that is then owned by someone who hasn't contributed.

Ah but you could Steve ;) I'm sure people wouldn't mind who owned it, they'd just be happy for another PQ album. But I understand that you wouldn't feel right letting that happen. Bloody Napalm records. Steve Scott just suggested a Paypal donate button on the PQ website, I think if no campaign then that would be cool to setup.

Some great comments coming in on the facebook page!/groups/2312944524/ food for thought perhaps?
One of the issues here is that "technically" we still owe Napalm another until that is resolved I don't think this can fly. I

Ohh really? Well I guess there's no other choice than making another album then, ehh?:D;)
Hey guys

One of the issues here is that "technically" we still owe Napalm another until that is resolved I don't think this can fly. I certainly couldn't sanction a fan funded release that is then owned by someone who hasn't contributed.

I agree that this is absolutely the way forward and something that I will be giving my full attention in the future, that's for sure :-)
If thats the case, then how about releasing one last "farewell" album? It could even be a rarities album, which would include alessio's demos from master of illusion for example. I recall 17 songs written but only 11 released. So thats means there are 6 unreleased songs eh? Perhaps you could include them all on a rarities album.
That would still require quite a bit of funding, which as we all know is the root of all evil here... and I could be wrong but I thought that the songs that weren't released were scrapped altogether? Would totally pitch in for a rarities/demos album though, absolutely - I'm sure we all would.
That would still require quite a bit of funding, which as we all know is the root of all evil here... and I could be wrong but I thought that the songs that weren't released were scrapped altogether? Would totally pitch in for a rarities/demos album though, absolutely - I'm sure we all would.
Steve mentioned a while back that they still have the demos of the unreleased songs. Its really interesting if we could get to hear them sometime, and a rarities album is a pretty good idea for that I think. It could be a good way to end up their album obligation with Napalm(as steve mentioned, that they still "owe" them an album)