My most prized posessions!

My course is 4 years long because I'm up in Scotland playing by their rules!

I don't want uni to end, it's the most fantastic opportunity to re-define the phrase "shit-faced" :D :kickass: :Puke:
Tonberry said:
I don't know yet, that in itself is still a good while away. It'll be nice to stay in London, close to gigs :D

yeah thats definately a plus to being in london :) i just love the fact i can get a bus home past 6pm lol cambridge is just SO local..:lol:
It's all in the practice Steve ;) ...anyway on the road with PQ must bring out some pretty drunken wild behaviour ...?

Oh wait, did you mean studying efforts? Meh...over rated.
i make little effort at uni but thats because my first year was just full of the same stuff i did for the past three years at college...hopefully this second year will be a bit more challenging, i just kept getting bored this year and not bothering to turn up or hand anything in..
Got two new tshirts today :D



What do people think?
I was just looking at that maiden tee earlier, and the number of the beast one of a similar design, but the devil on top of the logo, and thought they looked pretty stylish, but i can't afford to just throw away mony on loads of tshirts, have done it enough in the past hehe, im more looking for tshirts of different colours than black now in fact!

Also like the clear trooper vinyl :grin:
After spending a week in UK in March, following Pagan's Mind and Power Quest on the PaganQuest tour, i asked Nils in PM to get this signed. And not only that, he trew in a personal greeting as well. I managed to get it back to northern Norway in one piece, and it's now framed and up on the wall.

Aran said:
After spending a week in UK in March, following Pagan's Mind and Power Quest on the PaganQuest tour, i asked Nils in PM to get this signed. And not only that, he trew in a personal greeting as well. I managed to get it back to northern Norway in one piece, and it's now framed and up on the wall.

That is most excellent! :rock:
tbf it's a sweet assed posted on its own! :lol:

I'm a bit disappointed i watched PM from the back of eddies chatting to the PQ guys (which i guess made up for it :grin: ), cos after the show i got into PM a lot more and appreciated it more, but at the time i'd given it a chance but it hadn't quite clicked, though i did enjoy Through Osiris Eyes, that's a fave of mine!
I do find its always best to get to know a few songs before you see a band live. Always appreciate them more that way, and singing along with everyone else is better than standing there going "Ohhhh I wish I knew the words." :lol:
Aye, i gave some of their songs a good hard listen and i liked it a little, but not enough, and then what dya know, not long after the show i get to liking it a whole lot more, always the way! :lol:

I think the only band i've got to liking straight away whilst seeing live (without hearing any of their stuff before) would be Soulfly at Ozzfest :blush: