My most prized posessions!

For me that would be Dream Evil, because their songs were so easy to get; on verse and you can belt out the rest of the song no problem. Having only heard the track "The Book Of Heavy Metal" before seeing them live, I was unsure how the other songs would be, but I'll be dammed if I didn't get the words to each track stright away :D :headbang:
Hey that's pretty sweet...very professional looking collectable there squire.

I didn't get into Pagan's Mind, I was too busy going mental as the PQ lads strolled into view at the back of Bradford Rio for a chat and a signing sesh. They didn't sound half bad but equally they didn't WOW the crowd like PQ did.
I do see you points about the music of Pagan's Mind, it is a bit more complex than PQ's.
I went to UK to follow PM and first night i heard PQ(in London), i thought, this is ok. Second night in Poole and i said to myself, this is quite good and the last night saw PQ in Birmingham i was hooked. Watching them on stage for 3 nights, to see them having really fun up there and some of the songs stuck to my mind, it was so great.
My point, many bands you need to listen more than once before it sinks in how good they are. :)
Definetly! That certainly happened for me with Dream Theater and Avantasia, i thought both were rather average upon first listen, came back a few weeks later to them and listened again and was blown away!

Also, luckily i didn't let the drums on Far Away put me off PQ from the start :lol: I remember listening the first time to it and thinking my word the drums on this track are like exactly the same for the entire song! :lol:
I love Far Away...was probably the second PQ song I ever heard. Never really thought about the drums till now! I guess I was wrapped up in the keyboards mostly. And the screeeeeeeching dual solos :headbang:

It's like squeedly versus meedley over here! :lol:
Got a jewelry special hand made for me recently. I think it came out pretty neat. An idea for you that want a PQ jewlery?:)

Click image for bigger size
Thats pretty darn sweet!!

By the way...I also have that t-shirt!! Its such a good one!!
How did you get that pendant made..? There's a pendant i've seen online that i really want but it's all the way from america and they never have any stock and costs a bomb anyway and was wondering if i could take a picture somewhere and get them to make it...? Though i guess that would probably be a massive legal breach :lol:
SiliconMessiah said:
How did you get that pendant made..?

Just took a copy of the logo of one of the albums, sized it down and then got a German jewler that lives some miles outside my hometown to do it. But when i know he started off with a square silver plate, thickness 5 mm's, he's done a great job. And in my eyes, worth every penny. It is a one of a kind:headbang:
Ok I had to update my treasured posessions photo :D


- Wings of Forever digipack
- 2 copies of Neverworld, one with signed booklet the other unopened
- 2 copies of Magic Never Dies, one unopened
- Master of Illusion
- Neverworld Tshirt
- Magic Never Dies tshirt but it was in the wash when I took this!
- PQ girly top (the gf has that though ;) )
- Signed setlist from Bradford Rio gig
- Ticket from that gig # 7
- And a load of PQ fanclub stuff not in pic