My most prized posessions!

PQ boys are great...I should have taken a camera to the MND launch party...that was one helluva night!!
HMJ said:
PQ boys are great...I should have taken a camera to the MND launch party...that was one helluva night!!

I took my camera, but I lost the photos when my old PC... exploded.

Which one were you? :lol:

Also on the subject of release parties, try to push the label for the next release party to be in the sun! How about Italy? Over half the band live there! All expenses paid? Yeah, good idea!
are we being random in this thread now?

mr dom i get the whole uni resit thing :( im having to re-do an essay for media studies..i failed it coz it was boring so i just stopped turning up..
Well its 5 years study and then 2 years internship at a hospital, but I'm still going to lectures during that time, and getting paid alot less then when I'm fully qualified.
aaaah where will u be doing ur internship? ive got NO idea where i wanna do my tempted to stay at my current uni purely because Im quite attached to my free access to Ealing Studios editing suites lol