If you could resurrect one metal god...

Which metal musician would you resurrect?

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Not after he became Mata Kali's desciple. I hate that song.

I really get irritated when people shit on maha kali and songs from Reinkaos, most of which using the justification that it's because "it's just not Dissection."

How anyone can not bow down to the awesomeitude that is Reinkaos baffles me time and time again. It belongs on my top ten of all time, and is an absolutely amazing example of what metal should be.
Would Cliff Burton's continued existence really have saved Metallica from turning into a shitty pop band in the '90s? To me, that would be a key factor in considering him (though I'd still pick Quorthon regardless).
Euronymous. Hands down. I think Jon Nödtveidt should be on that list though, and if he were, he would get my vote.

And I am bound to catch a bunch of crap for this, but Dimebag doesn't deserve to be on that list, he never did anything special. Pantera was a pretty mediocre band.

yea, they actually are a horrible band and he was just an average player.
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is ten times better than anything Nevermore will ever put out. END

Wow, you're really really wrong. I voted Euronymous because in my mind he is the most legendary, and would probably be involved in really amusing antics and would very likely be making interesting music today. However, Mayhem back in the day of varg and dead and euronymous was musically a terrible band. And in no way whatsoever, is that album better than an album like dreaming neon black or dead heart in a dead world. I mean, shit, you can't even compare the two; It's like comparing Gustav mahler to a bundle of sticks.
Chuck Schuldiner. He is the most amazing guitarist/composer I've ever known. Sucks that I only discovered his awesomeness years after his death. Shame.