If you could resurrect one metal god...

Which metal musician would you resurrect?

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zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
Some of the greatest metal musicians ever known have been cut down before their time. Let's say you were given the magical ability to restore life and health to one of these fallen lords of metal... Who would it be?

I'm curious also to hear people's reasons for their choice, whether it be that said musician was in one of their favorite bands, or that the musician was in the prime of his career, or simply that he was a great guy.

Note: I realize there are probably 999999 other dead metal musicians I've forgotten, but to my knowledge these are the most well-known and well-loved.
Layne Staley. You know he wanted one more dose and never got it because he was dead.

long live alice in chains!
Dimebag, because I dont care for the others, and Pantera Home Videos is the best thing ever.


When I first saw the pantera videos could not stop laughing.

If you pay attention you see one of the guys from crowbar with green face paint smashing shit, plus trent from nine inch nails smashes shit also. hilarious!!
quorthon with chuck in a close 2nd. lets face it, no one can write music as epic as quorthon. and i would really love somthing equal to hammerheart.
quorthon with chuck in a close 2nd. lets face it, no one can write music as epic as quorthon. and i would really love somthing equal to hammerheart.

Yeah, I'm on the Quorthon boat. His music is far more meaningful to me than any of the others, and at the time of his death he was finally starting to get serious again with the epic style - and even taking it in new directions. It actually upsets me quite a bit. :cry:
Euronymous. Hands down. I think Jon Nödtveidt should be on that list though, and if he were, he would get my vote.

And I am bound to catch a bunch of crap for this, but Dimebag doesn't deserve to be on that list, he never did anything special. Pantera was a pretty mediocre band.
I'm going to say Euronymous, but that's only because I can't bust Varg out of jail.

edit-fuck i voted for chuck by accident