I'm a Anathema virgin. Need recommendations

Can anyone that has the remix of Pressure leave it in yor shared folder for WinMX or Kazaa and we can pick it up from there.

Should spread round quickly that way.

I love the original of Pressure, so will be interesting to hear this remix.
Another topic the French ruin... hehe I'm just kidding...
Tell us what music you listen to and we'll tell you which Anathema album you should buy. You'll love Judgement whatever music you listen to. ;)
Originally posted by Fixxxer
Another topic the French ruin... hehe I'm just kidding...
Tell us what music you listen to and we'll tell you which Anathema album you should buy. You'll love Judgement whatever music you listen to. ;)

:OMG: ! Don't tell Mehdi he's French ! He's gonna crash an airbus onto your house :grin:

BTW , totally agree about judgement , a good one to start with !
Originally posted by without
you're french
tu es français
sen fransýzsýn


Originally posted by The Leper Affinity
This is a band that buddies over the computer have been telling me to get into. I want to own their three best which I will buy soon. Which three should I get?

'Judgement' is a great record to start with.

Then, I think you should buy 'The Silent Enigma', the heaviest one. Just to see/hear how distant/close they are.

The 3rd one should be your choice. If you'd be more into 'rocky' stuff, you should get 'Eternity'(the transitional1), but if you'd be in those mellow moods with piano and acoustic stuff, then definitely 'Alternative 4' should be your choice.

Good luck!