I'm a god damn stupid fucking idiot.

Rubbers have been worn, they never broke that i can recall, but you never know..

And Felix you have a point, man, you have a good point.. Except the fucking bitch, when I kicked her out a couple days back, she told the police I beat her (WHAT THE FUCK DUDE..) and got an order of protection on me. So I can't contact her whatsoever even if she calls. But when she called just a little bit ago, she had her doctor talk to me and confirm that she was actually pregnant, and uhh.. Just..

FUCK me.
Dude..you often have some trouble with the chicks. You are the Tommy Lee of the Sneap forum!! :) Nevertheless..it´s time for you to take responsibility. You have to think much advance, a child is a blessing. This will change your life and bring some order into your rock´n roll live.
I want the kid, man, I'd be a great fucking father.. I just don't want that kid to have anything to do with Allison. She's too fucked up in the head. I may be going through some tough shit right now, but I always find a way.. I want to give this kid the life I've never had
I´d say, lets await the paternity test, dude. Imagine you´ll not be the father, so nearly all we´d write just now about it could be a farce then :) Try to get along with the possible mother of your child, as good as you can. You´ll maybe have to find an agreement with her somehow.
Make sure it's actually yours, that should be your nr. 1 priority now.

You seem to be very much a kid yourself still. Do you think you have the means (not only financial) to raise a kid? Really? To give him or her a good life?

Sooner or later somebody will throw it in here, so it might as well be me: What about an abortion?
Goes completely against my morals to kill someone that hasn't even had a chance at life yet. And I'm moving back in with my parents, so that'd be the first step.. I'm not a kid by any means, I mean I'm only 20 and everything but I've already gone through and seen/dealt with more shit than most people will ever in their fucking lives. I think this kid is going to be what it really takes for me to get my shit together.. Because I have a greater good besides my self or Allison to work towards, now.
Sooner or later somebody will throw it in here, so it might as well be me: What about an abortion?

I just logged on to type pretty much the exact same thing in the same way :lol: And then there's always adoption too (right? I'm not too up on the whole unplanned parenthood thing)

I would say congrats, but from what I understand about your situation in life I'm not sure congrats are in order - that said, I applaud your desire to try to raise the kid and have him/her be the catalyst for you to get shit together (not implying your circumstances are all your fault, since I know little to nothing about them), but that's quite a risk, and needless to say, kids are EXPENSIVE
Dude, I understand that you feel you can be a good father. But I think you should only be one when you are REALLY ready, as in mentally, phisically, financially etc...
You won't be able to provide him what you want to provide to your son and it will later on become some sort of heavy weight in your conscience. If she does keep the child then I wish you good luck and congratulations and honestly hope that I'm wrong and that you'll proove otherwise :)

Cheers man
I'm going to play devil's advocate here and just say, make sure you're POSITIVE about everything - that she is pregnant, that it was indeed her doctor you talked to, etc. etc. etc.

I learned the hard way, when I was a year younger than you are now, that an ex with an ax to grind doesn't always tell the truth and will sometimes go to great lengths to make you believe what she wants you to. And will hold onto those lies for YEARS.

Good luck to you, man!
I just logged on to type pretty much the exact same thing in the same way :lol:

High five? ;)

Jesse, I'm with Sptz. Hats off for your determination to become his/her best possible dad, but it's very blue-eyed to think that all you need is love and determination to provide your kid with a good life.

Having a child is basically a full time job at the beginning. Are you going to stay at home (if you get her/him at all)? - Then who's going to put some bread on the table? Are you going to work? - Who's going to take care of the baby? Maybe your parents? They'll surely love to have another child...

Bringing a child into this world when you're (admittedly) not even able to really take care of yourself is absolutely irresponsible IMHO.

Edit: And Russtopher is right, lunatic chicks will do everything to get what they want.
High five? ;)
Bringing a child into this world when you're (admittedly) not even able to really take care of yourself is absolutely irresponsible IMHO.

Edit: And Russtopher is right, lunatic chicks will do everything to get what they want.

agreed to the MAX.