I'm a god damn stupid fucking idiot.

I'm going to play devil's advocate here and just say, make sure you're POSITIVE about everything - that she is pregnant, that it was indeed her doctor you talked to, etc. etc. etc.

I learned the hard way, when I was a year younger than you are now, that an ex with an ax to grind doesn't always tell the truth and will sometimes go to great lengths to make you believe what she wants you to. And will hold onto those lies for YEARS.

Good luck to you, man!

I knew a guy who was led on to believe his ex was pregnant for 6 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!! :OMG:

Bitches are crazy.
Dude, I will be a father for the 2nd time in 2 or 3 weeks and i am ´only´ 27. Actually i should´ve been father for the 3rd time but things made us make an abortion on the 1st one. ATM it was the best thing we could think but after we did, it turned to months of sadness and regret. So, I always tell everybody DONT DO IT. I was a little bit older than yourself when we did it, i had no job, had just a crappy band and our relatives didnt support us at all. But i still regret..

But Marcus said a very correct thing. Kids are expensive. Forget amps, forget guitars, forget most stuff you like to spend your money because kids are very expensive. I live in Brazil, so it fucks my pocket even more, but to give you the idea, there is diapers, health security, meds when your kids get sick, feeding, day care (No, your parents wont help you that much) or a nanny, clothes (and that goes fast...), school....and the list goes on. My first daughter is 2 years old and i still get frustrated due to the fact i often dont have money to buy something for myself or to the fact that I rarely play guitar these days.

Dont get me wrong - kids are a blessing. It brings so much good stuff to yourself. But you also should analyse your life and make your decision from that. Will you be able to properly raise your kid? Will you have support from your family (thats very important when we´re young and dont have an STABLE life) ?

So, try to think for a while on what you should do. I mean...think what will be best for the kid in the long term and make your decision from that.

Good luck.

BTW, my 3 kids were ´developed´ while my wife used birth control pills. Best advice I can ever give you ? even with rubber, birth control pills or a cement shield between your thing and the girl, ALWAYS spit it outside her (inside only on the mouth). Best brith control method EVER.
I knew a guy who was led on to believe his ex was pregnant for 6 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!! :OMG:

Bitches are crazy.

Indeed. My situation led to me being kicked out of the house, nearly dropping out of college so I could go work full time to save money for "the baby" and ruined my relationship with my family for a while.

Thankfully, that was years in the past, now I'm happily married with two kids (9 and 4) and I can look back on it with a much calmer attitude.

And like Jangoux said.... kids are a HUGE responsibility. You think you might have an idea... you DON'T. My daughter was born when I was 25 and we were both utterly clueless, even after going to birthing classes, talking to family and friends, etc. I have almost no money for me (hence all the cheap used gear), no time to record save for once the kids are in bed (hence almost always using amp sims), and almost zero quality time with my wife most days. Once the house is cleaned, toys are put away, kids are in bed, we're both exhausted :)

That said - I love my kids more than life itself, and I can't imagine how I lived without them. Every time I'm in a bad mood, they're guaranteed to get me to snap out of it just by being themselves. Being a good father is a huge responsibility, and I can't stress that enough.
Apparently nobody else wants to say it:

For your sake, the batshit crazy girls' sake, but first and foremost for this kid's sake... give it up for adoption.

Raising this kid yourself would be one of the absolute worst things you could do to him.
Apparently nobody else wants to say it:

For your sake, the batshit crazy girls' sake, but first and foremost for this kid's sake... give it up for adoption.

Raising this kid yourself would be one of the absolute worst things you could do to him.

Jyes, I am with this dude right here.

After being raised in a "fucked" situation. I can honestly say I have only come out of this with a feeling of bitterness towards the world. No matter how hard I change it, its how I am and I feel like a lot of it stems from things in my past.

So for your childs well being it might be something to consider.
Russtopher said one thing I almost posted here almost a trillion times to ask for advice but was always kinda ashamed. Its been a while since i really get some quality time with my wife. Its been a while since we could freely go to the movies or simply get naked on the living room and do it. Good times.
Russtopher said one thing I almost posted here almost a trillion times to ask for advice but was always kinda ashamed. Its been a while since i really get some quality time with my wife. Its been a while since we could freely go to the movies or simply get naked on the living room and do it. Good times.

My advice - it ain't about the quantity, it's about the QUALITY :kickass:
Don't worry guys, I've talked to my parents and they are more than willing to help out.. Adoption is another consideration, but I have a 9 month window to pull this shit together, and despite what anybody thinks, I'm going to. Trust me.. I wouldn't take on this responsibility if I didn't absolutely know in my heart that I could do it, I may be in a fucked situation but I will show this little guy a thousandfold better of a life than I was shown when I was a kid.. He/she is my motivation, inspiration, and my drive to succeed.

I'll admit I have no clue what I'm getting myself into, but to kill someone that hasn't even had the chance to see the light of day.. THAT is TRUE irresponsibility and inconsideration/selfishness. Fucking low.

Fuck abortion.
My kid is nearly 18 months old, and to be honest, yeah its difficult money-wise at times... but there are ways to get around the costs, make certain cut-backs... if your parents will help, thats great, you can get another income

You probably will be looking at cutting back on music stuff for a short while cause the first 6 weeks will like nothing you've been through, but after that it does get easier...
Öwen;8889239 said:
Dude, sell the baby for gear.

Seriously :
1) Check if it's yours
2) If so how could it possible?you used a condom that didn't break, maybe is like what happend to Mary and his newborn Jesus, Mary got gang banged by God's Angels and let Joseph be the father.
3) Give it to adoption
4) point 3 is really fundamental, the baby needs a good place to live in.
Apparently nobody else wants to say it:

For your sake, the batshit crazy girls' sake, but first and foremost for this kid's sake... give it up for adoption.

Raising this kid yourself would be one of the absolute worst things you could do to him.

I went through this same thing 2 years ago, don't know if you saw my thread about it. All I can say is it ended up okay, even though it makes some things harder(money, time, etc).