I'm a Dad. It's fucking great.

Congratz, dude!! :kickass: Must be awesome to look in the eyes of a new born child who is absolutely not conditioned with all that bullshit of this world!

Yeah but sometimes its freaky cause they start looking at shapes around the room and its like they're watching a spirit or something...

I remember being sat with logan one time in the house alone (he was about 6months old) and his eyes followed something from the lounge to the middle of the room, smiled, then followed the something to the kitchen door and continued to look at me...
Yeah but sometimes its freaky cause they start looking at shapes around the room and its like they're watching a spirit or something...

I remember being sat with logan one time in the house alone (he was about 6months old) and his eyes followed something from the lounge to the middle of the room, smiled, then followed the something to the kitchen door and continued to look at me...

Hahah That´s strange. Most guys forget what they´ve seen in the first 3 years, maybe we saw strange things as well, but forgot it because of overlapped thoughts and other distractions :D
Hahah That´s strange. Most guys forget what they´ve seen in the first 3 years, maybe we saw strange things as well, but forgot it because of overlapped thoughts and other distractions :D

Its weird, one of those spiritual things maybe... like when dogs sense danger... Theres a guy I know had all sorts of crazy theories about babies and their sense of perception...

Now all logan cares about is damned cartoons... and school... boy loves school...
Congrats Loren!! Despite what some people think, it's the best experience ever, having a kid. Yes, your life changes, but you gain something wonderful that just can't be understood until you have one of your own.

Yeah but sometimes its freaky cause they start looking at shapes around the room and its like they're watching a spirit or something...

I remember being sat with logan one time in the house alone (he was about 6months old) and his eyes followed something from the lounge to the middle of the room, smiled, then followed the something to the kitchen door and continued to look at me...

My little boy did this too. I always wondered what he was watching. It's kind of freaky at times. :lol:
Its weird, one of those spiritual things maybe... like when dogs sense danger... Theres a guy I know had all sorts of crazy theories about babies and their sense of perception...

Now all logan cares about is damned cartoons... and school... boy loves school...

Kids should get teached Meditation as soon as possible. They were born totally satisfied (after the shock of being thrown into this world) without hate, without competitive thinking, without envy, without fucking EGO. This wonderful state should be saved like a precious treasure as long as possible imo. All those negative conditionings are learned, not innate. When they go in public Kindergarten and school it may be very difficult to teach them mindfulness and awareness.
Kids should get teached Meditation as soon as possible. They were born totally satisfied (after the shock of being thrown into this world) without hate, without competitive thinking, without envy, without fucking EGO. This wonderful state should be saved like a precious treasure as long as possible imo. All those negative conditionings are learned, not innate. When they go in public Kindergarten and school it may be very difficult to teach them mindfulness and awareness.

He's a fan of exercising and yoga positions, so that part of relaxation I'm trying to get him into... He loves doing that stuff along with the Wii...

On the other hand he's a kid and trying to stop him doing things like stepping on bugs and throwing temper tantrums is impossible...

We're doing our best to make sure he's eating proper food, no crap, which is working out so far, he loves homecooked stuff and always chooses fruit over chocolate...
He's a fan of exercising and yoga positions, so that part of relaxation I'm trying to get him into... He loves doing that stuff along with the Wii...

On the other hand he's a kid and trying to stop him doing things like stepping on bugs and throwing temper tantrums is impossible...

We're doing our best to make sure he's eating proper food, no crap, which is working out so far, he loves homecooked stuff and always chooses fruit over chocolate...

That´s awesome, dude! :) You´re doing it right!

I recently read a very interesting book about childhood written by a pretty much rebellious Indian Guru haha, but he´s what I´d call TRUE! It´s not only interesting for the future of our kids, it also shows how wrong most of us was been brought up, even if the parents mean well. Have, have, have, have...I wanna haz..own, my, me and stuff :Smokin: "If you are well-behaved you get the new Star Wars lego spaceship" What a conditioning!! And this is just one of hundred thousands experiences what awakened unhealthy ambition and greed. And Greed is always linked with expectations. Meanwhile I walk through my life without any expectations..and when something great is happening, I appreciate it even more. Nobody is born to satisfie my or your expectations ( I had to learn this), but Kids are grown up with that...totally!! Disappointments are inevitable.

It´s about not getting overlapped with thoughts, cause your mind is not really you. It´s just a fucking processor what should be used when YOU need it, not getting used by it. You guys know this crazy "thoughts carousel", we all have had at some time..and still have. It´s about being master of your own thoughts and not being mastered by your thoughts. This is no bullshit blabla, the mind causes so much shit and ego problems, it´s pure poison. The reason why I mention it in this thread is, some of us old fuckers have to unlearn this shit at some point in our life, but our kids, especially the new born kids don´t have any ego built yet and that´s so precious. They come from another world.

Yoga is a great way, a great bridge to Meditation; kids have so much fun with that and it can be a smooth transition to meditation :)
1 or 2 Years ago I would probably laugh about myself, by reading what I´m just writing, but it may be plausible, if you look deeper.