Cheating/back stabbing girlfriends

Nothing beats the feeling of 2 months after the destructive relationship, you're over the fucking nut of a chick you went out with, and YOU'RE're free to hunt again, you're free to do music all the time, you can breathe and you're just plain FREE! That is the best feeling!! And then you meet the most sane girl you've ever met least you're hoping she is :-)
There has to be a balance in a relationship, if there is no balance then you feed off of things like guilt, second guessing, doubble moral/standards. Which inturn will give you grief and the wonderfull wolrd of being angry just for being angry, cause your know you cant trust her or yourself. Cause you have to be one step ahead, but the catch is... so does she...
Bottom line dump her now!! before its too late :u-huh:
Nothing beats the feeling of 2 months after the destructive relationship, you're over the fucking nut of a chick you went out with, and YOU'RE're free to hunt again, you're free to do music all the time, you can breathe and you're just plain FREE! That is the best feeling!! And then you meet the most sane girl you've ever met least you're hoping she is :-)

I love being FREE! I probably wouldn't even have accomplished half of what I've accomplished if I were in a fucked up relationship.
Break it off fast and never look back. Do whatever you have to make sure she is non existent in your life. Do it now. Not tomorrow, not next month. Do it before she gets prego and your life is ruined forever. There are plenty of women out there. Life is better than what you are going through.
You need to fuck new girl, no matter what she will keep doing it, get another one and fuck both, LOL call one say hey can i get my dick sucked what?NO? Ok BAM!!! Dial the other, guaranteed BJ

wanna hear something awesome?? My girl cheated and got pregnant think about that and if its mine (and we dont use anything ever im a champ:heh:)
she busted herself out hahahahha
(she's snuck off multiple times and partied with this coke-head fucking loser who wants to do her) wants?? meaning? she got banged out.....

(I still love the backstabbing bitch. And I know she knows what she did and loves me.) hahahahahahaha give it up bro

TRUTH--she a whore, all girs are whores, you could be with the most loyal girl in the world and there will be a time where she is with some friends or out after work at the bar for a quick beer on the way home, some drunk guy sweet talks her makes her laugh

OVER!!!! she now wants his cock BUT???? she loves you hahahahahaha

Oh yea?? Did i mention that i still talk to my whore and by talk i mean fuck??:goggly:/

All shit aside, do what feels right :rock:
There are absolutely no excuses or acceptable reasons to betray your partner's trust by becoming involved emotionally or physically with anyone else. Ever.
We all know (by now I'd assume we all know) that relationships are work and some are harder to work at than others. In that respect, solely, I'd like to compare the two in order to make a point.
Lets say you're employed at Job A, doing whatever it is you do, daily. One day you decide instead of going to Job A that you'd prefer to check out Job B so you immediately start without giving any notice and ignore phone calls from Job A wondering where you are and why you haven't shown up like usual.
Naturally by not calling nor showing up for work, you breach the terms of a contract you agreed to when you hired on for Job A.
Granted, although Job B does offer you drugs and cheap entertainment, the benefits of Job B are lacking, at best.

Regardless to your emotional attachment to this girl, by allowing her to violate her commitment to you and ultimately breaking a contract you are, above all, showing her that you dont love yourself.
People who dont love themselves in this world end up getting walked on by anyone and everyone who can see it.
Öwen;8559279 said:
Rock and roll. Broken goods.

Bottom line, chick cheats once, dump her. You looked after her interests and she failed to look after yours, she's not your responsibility, offload like a ton of bricks my friend. Don't worry about the consequences, there will be fireworks but get it over with and get someone more positive in your life.

This this this this this this this THIS holy fuck THIS... It's hard, its really hard, its more difficult than turning the gain down and the mids up, but you have to do it.

There are decent women out there who won't fuck you over like that.

At least... I think so... I haven't met one yet... ( I've got my own stories... )
After taking her in from an abusive home, and doing all that for her, I still love the backstabbing bitch. And I know she knows what she did and loves me.


you need to kick that pussy to the curb man

unless, that is, you LIKE being lied to, manipulated, and cheated on regularly...
Everything I just read on the original post wreaks of a dependency issues. No normal relationship should involve "Forgiving" your girlfriend for sending NOODZ, let alone out-right cheating.

If she can't handle her previous life style then she shouldn't be treating you like shit. It's her problem, not yours fella.
Everything I just read on the original post wreaks of a dependency issues. No normal relationship should involve "Forgiving" your girlfriend for sending NOODZ, let alone out-right cheating.

If she can't handle her previous life style then she shouldn't be treating you like shit. It's her problem, not yours fella.

yea I made the mistake of forgiving, no amount of alcohol could be a reasonable excuse for cheating, grow a pair and leave the bitch, freedom is a great feeling after a destructive relationship and seems to last for a good few months until you are ready to move on to the next girl (if you can get one that is :lol:)

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