Processed Chicken
Originally Posted by Öwen View Post
Dude, you have fucking serious issues. That is not cool no matter how much of a scumbag the dude is, no one else needs to get fucked up for life just because you have a majorly dysfunctional relationship with your girl, seriously, you put him in a coma?
Seems to me you think you have more dignity this way or something? Because you're scraping the bottom of the barrel at the moment, you just seem totally paranoid that something better was never going to come along. Which to be honest I don't understand because A) you're a very talented dude, and B) from the pics I've seen of your gf she was pretty average looking anyway.
Just think of how much easier it would have been if you'd just dumped her and stuck with it instead of crawling back like a little bitch, bawling your eyes out then kneecapping some dude out of all out jealousy and rage.
How weak does that make you look instead of just dropping her and moving on to better?
I know you're young dude but just listen to what everyone here is telling you, move on!!! It hurts I know but it will just keep hurting if you don't. Its not going to ever get any better, shes a cheater and most likely always will be one! You will never be able to trust her and with out trust there is no relationship. Every time she not with you you will be going crazy wondering whats shes doing. You will just keep getting hurt time after time! How much time do you want to waste? How much pain do you want to put yourself though? Because you are the one doing it to yourself now, not her!! "fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me"... You know who she is but you refuse to except it! She doesn't love you!! Because of how you act she knows you will do anything she says, you are not a challenge to her, she sees you as week, not strong, shes just keeping you on the back burner until she finds someone else. She is using you! You need to talk to a professional, get some help to deal with this, if you don't come to grips with why your behaving like this, and why your letting someone treat you like this, you will just carry over this baggage to you next relationships, You will most likely ruin those before they even have a chance. End it and I promise you in a couple months the pain will stop, you will be happy again!! Keep going with it, it will just get worse.