I'm a god damn stupid fucking idiot.

This will probably be his whole life. The doctors hope that in a few years they can work on different methods of learning how to communicate. But he will never have a "normal" life. Ever. Because his mother was a selfish, self-centered bitch who only thought of herself.

That's why reading that last update really hit home for me. It's not a game, which she seems to be treating it like; if she saw what my cousin's son is like, and had to stand next to him and watch him seize over and over again as an infant, she'd smarten right up. I only hope you, or someone close to her, can get her to see sense.

When that baby is born, he/she will need to go to a stable, loving home. It really does not sound like your ex is capable of that in any way, shape, or form.
I'm not gonna condone any use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy, but my lass is a raver and she didnt find out about Logan til she was about 6 months along

her normal tipple was vodka and there were a few Rave style substances... and Logan has no issues, no physical deformaties or any mental issues

every group he's been to, every doctors appointment, they don't stop going on about how alert he is, how beautiful he is and responsive he is
I'm not gonna condone any use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy, but my lass is a raver and she didnt find out about Logan til she was about 6 months along

her normal tipple was vodka and there were a few Rave style substances... and Logan has no issues, no physical deformaties or any mental issues

every group he's been to, every doctors appointment, they don't stop going on about how alert he is, how beautiful he is and responsive he is

I'd say you were very lucky.
Your situation reminds me of where I was 4 years ago.

My ex was bi-polar, depressed, alcoholic, drug addict, and generally wild.

Her reaction upon realizing she was pregnant was to find the nearest liquor store and track down her ex-bf drugdealer so she could do drugs with him and so he could pay for her abortion.

I don't think I've ever felt so hurt or helpless before.

She ended up OD'ing. I hope your Allison has a better fate.
Your situation reminds me of where I was 4 years ago.

My ex was bi-polar, depressed, alcoholic, drug addict, and generally wild.

Her reaction upon realizing she was pregnant was to find the nearest liquor store and track down her ex-bf drugdealer so she could do drugs with him and so he could pay for her abortion.

I don't think I've ever felt so hurt or helpless before.

She ended up OD'ing. I hope your Allison has a better fate.

I'm sorry to hear that happened dude...
welcome to the real world..........

dude, u need to find out if it is really yours ASAp

best of luck
I wish her suffering to be legendary even in hell. I wish the fucking bitch chokes and dies on the massive cock of karma, goes to hell, and gets raped by the fucking devil.

sry bro, i dont mean to offend you, but reading stuff like that scares me thinking of you raising i child, you know? it's ok beeing upset, but thats just a bit too much...even if i've seen people changeing in many ways after the kids were born...
my though is just: as it seems that you really hate that girl, what if your kid reminds you every day of her, and you unintantional make it feel that way?
i know people whos parents always saw and will see them as a "failure" some how, and they always struggle with that kind of rejection...
just sayin^^

what if she wants to do an abortion?

good luck anyway dude!
Nah man words are words, and we've all hated a person enough to want them to "choke and die on the massive cock of karma, go to hell, and get raped by the fucking devil". Certainly that isn't proof that he can't be a good father. I say if he has his pop's support, go for it, but make sure the super woman doesn't destroy the baby before it's even born.

any updates man?
Nah man words are words, and we've all hated a person enough to want them to "choke and die on the massive cock of karma, go to hell, and get raped by the fucking devil". Certainly that isn't proof that he can't be a good father. I say if he has his pop's support, go for it, but make sure the super woman doesn't destroy the baby before it's even born.

any updates man?

Thanks, man..

Anyways, I've been talking to her online pretty consistently, she's doing a hell of a lot better and has calmed down quite a bit. I recently found out that she only had two beers the time she drank, and even though that's SOMETHING.. It's still nothing compared to what I've seen that woman down :p.. She's also quit smoking cigarettes and weed for about a week now, and I respect the fuck out of her for doing this.

This is exactly the reality check/wake up call she's always needed. It's just sad it has to be in the form of a human life, before she gets the bigger fuckin' picture. She kinda realizes exactly what's at stake, here.

But, I've been calling around and searching far and fuckin' wide for jobs and apartments in the area, and come next week I'm going to be getting my license on top of my education. I'm pulling it together pretty big time, and I really wish I had before, I just didn't have the motivation whatsoever.

Valentines Day was a blast, I sat down and thought to myself and realized I've sacrificed a LOT for the relationship over the course of the past year and a half, but holy balls, so has she. I realized I don't really listen to her input because I simply just assume I'm right all the time. I also realized all of the sweet things she does for me, like take care of me when I'm sick, put up with my stupid fucking bullshit, and make me food when she notices I'm being a bastard (usually means I'm hungry.) It may not sound like alot to you guys, but that's not 1/10 of the things she does JUST TO BE A SWEETHEART.

So I wrote her a V-Day note listing off every single sweet thing she's ever done for me, and I let her know that I do recognize, and I will listen.

Things have been going pretty damn smoothely ever since.

Like I just said, all I can do is keep chuggin' along and hope, because god knows I'll NEVER fucking give up.
More power to ya bud...My buddy had his first kid,was married, and at war in iraq before he could legally drink a beer in the states...he originally went into the army because he was fucking up and realized it was that or rehab...army straitened him out and everything else sort of fell into place...kids change you, hopefully in your sake its for the better...Props to you for manning up and planning on doing the right thing too man...As a guy who only met his father a handful of times in 23 years, i can tell you it sucks growing up with all those unanswered questions, make sure your kid doesnt have to do the same...you got alot of respect from me
Nah man words are words, and we've all hated a person enough to want them to "choke and die on the massive cock of karma, go to hell, and get raped by the fucking devil". Certainly that isn't proof that he can't be a good father. I say if he has his pop's support, go for it, but make sure the super woman doesn't destroy the baby before it's even born.

any updates man?

I know I know, and theres also a person in my life i'd strangle with my bare hands if i ever see him again, unfortunately for me that arent just words, which scares the fuck out of me but anyway.

I didn't mean that i think he cant be a good father you know? i just think it COULD be difficult because its his childs mother he was talking about.
bad blood in a family always fucks things up.
but as i think he calmed down anyway, so forget about my thoughts...

I really hope me everything will be fine for you and your little family.
I just don´t fell convinced about getting back together with her and all good. I mean it´s important that you´re ok with her as you will share a son/daughter, but I find you really stupidly trusting with her after everything and all you´ve said about her (I really don´t mean it as an insult)

anyways, I do wish you luck and hope you do manage to get along and raise a sane kid
ive been married for 3yrs and looking forward to have a child but still no luck. Im almost 30. U guys r lucky to have a baby soon. best of luck with ur upcoming new life...