I'm A Pig.

isin't he in pyramaze now?


Congrats on becoming a police officer! I gave it a thought in the past, being of a military background and whatnot. I feel I would be a hypocrite, however. If I'm at a show and someone passes a joint around, I'll take a hit. Sometimes I drive even when I've had a few beers. I'm all about going around the law when I can, although not severely. People say that all cops do the same thing, but I couldn't tell someone not to do something when I've done it before...especially when I would be in a position of authority.

I hope you enjoy your new career, and wish you all the best!
Well then by all means, blow up their heads when they do it. Or fart butterflies at them, whatever.
They're making a cd of all of his calls to pass around to the officers "Thor's Greatest Hits". Should be awesome.

There is also a regular who stands on the City Hall sign out front while shirtless, dancing and throwing the horns to people that honk and yell at him. Citizens call in to complain and the dispatchers tell them that's our street performer and to wave at him. I LOVE this place!