Wandrail said:
Oh and as far as this lady goes, I tend to prefer the death penalty in these situations. Her 'insanity' is pretty subjective to interpretation, but the violation of the inalienable right to life of the three children whom God placed in her care for their safety and upbringing is not. As a free person, as a mother, as a human being she is plainly in violation of the most important of basic rights this country sees as sacred and undeniable, being granted to us by our creator - a creator who of course does not tell idiot housewives to kill their children for whatever sick, absurd reason.
That's how you see things, as a rational person. She said God had told her to kill her children, whether she really felt so or not, I cant say. But the psychologist who examined her might, and if he's good he can tell whether she's telling the truth or whether she's merely trying to get away with therapy or something.
You have to understand that Psychology is a subject you study for about 5 years.. I dont how people are so quick with judgements when they know so little about psychology. That's a bit like a guy I know said about depressive people:"They should just get a grip on themselves and stop bitching around!" Yeah ok, as if Psychologists went studying for 5 years just to tell them that.
Im working in a mental institute, you know, and Ive come to know a bit about that. Also, Ive heard about a patient who got transfered to another station who had yelled at a doctor to leave him alone and stop stealing his thoughts. This leads me to believe that if some people believe others are stealing their thoughts, some may think God told them to kill their children.
This feeling of being possessed is quite typical for shizophrenia by the way, or other forms of psychotic diseases. What most people dont seem to understand is that mental diseases are serious, too.
Im not trying to avert a fair punishment from this woman, in fact, if she knew what she did, she needs to be locked away for the rest of her life, but I think she didnt know, and that she's very ill. So she needs therapy, if it would still help, and probably strong medication for the rest of her life.