I'm Drunk damnit!

Fuck.. I´m thirsty! Beer would be nice :loco: Saturday I was soooo tired that I passed away 18.00 and woke up next mourning 9.00.. So just it´s wednesday and I´m waiting for weekend (usually this starts at sunday evening)
nevershine said:
pork flavoured! :D
Recently I got the idea of founding a Vodka producing company that makes pork flavoured vodka. I mean, these days you can get vodka in all flavours: strawberry, currant, chili, cavia, lemon, etc... but so far I haven't seen vodka that is pork flavoured, so maybe I'll get rich by producing and selling that stuff. Then I can buy some new effect-pedals, amplifiers, finally get a driver's license, a car and buy a bunch of hot chicks together with a big mansion plus pool and etc...
Hmmm... there has already been a thing called "man punch"... It had half koskenkorva (37% alcohol), half water and added slices of sausages and frozen vegetables... I don't think you can beat that :p tho it was only for private use...
Toni: I'm here in Helsinki listening to Yoko Kanno and drinking with Thales guys. Having an OK time and hopefully I'll have no hangover tomorrow. At least now it feels like I won't. You never know though. Wish me luck... :D