I'm fucking tired of The Killers


Aug 30, 2001

Seriously, in all my years of radio, I don't think I've ever heard one station play a song so goddamned much. This is the stupidest song I've probably ever heard and it's played through the overhead speakers (we have one particular station that plays 24/7 in my part of the office) like 20 times a day.

And I'm on my knees, looking for the answer.
Are we human?
Or are we dancers?

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one that wants this piece of shit song and band to go away forever? I usually don't have such negative reactions to any kind of music.. but FUCK THIS!
I haven't heard anything from the aforementioned bands in about 5 years because I stopped listening to the radio and watching MTV...

...because I fucking hate them all.
I generally wear headphones and listen to mp3s at work. Still, this piece of shit somehow manages to squeak it's way into my ears in between mp3s or when I get up to walk somewhere... fuck I haven't hated a song so passionately for years. It actually feels kinda good.
Hate with all your might and you'll feel better afterwards. A lot of people say that negativity is bad for you but I disagree. I find that it reinforces the positive things in your life and makes you appreciate them more.
I'm not a big fan of the mindset of literally hating something or someone. It seems counterproductive to me, so I usually just choose apathy instead.

In this instance though, hate just feels right.
Well it's 100% true that you should hate very, very few things in your life. I utterly hate and loathe Italian pop music and closed-minded, intellectually vacuous people. That about covers it for me.

But like you said, when you find those very few things to hate, it just "feels right".
Haha, I know what you mean and this is one very annoying piece.

I used to go fucking insane when I hosted my first few shows because we're a mainstream station and this stuff gets played all the time and I can only change two songs in the rotation every our at my own will or will get in trouble.

So I had to sit through all this crap, sometimes more than 10 hours straight because I had to make sure there aren't any gaps/problems.

But after a while I noticed that I don't even recognise it any more. I still hear it, but I don't listen. Happened so often that someone would say: "Hey you played this and that song today, cool!" And I was only going "What, I did?". :lol:

When it used to get too much, I used to turn my monitors down and simply only watched the VU-meters.

I consider this music - and mainstream rotations in general nowadays - to be nothing but sonic torture!
There are so many worst bands on the radio that suck even more...
I think it's a matter of 'overplayed' songs that make us hate a certain band/ artist even more...

Sorry Kevin, I kinda like The KIllers, and promise to never play their CDs when I'm around you <3
I think it's a matter of 'overplayed' songs that make us hate a certain band/ artist even more...

This is kinda the point of this thread. I probably wouldn't have ventured into "hate" territory had I not been forced to hear it so often.

And to be honest, I probably wouldn't even recognize any other song by The Killers haha.