I'm fucking tired of The Killers

and i didn't even know it was the killers that did that "are we dancers" song hahaha i thought it was coldplay - i fucking hate that song, too. beyond it just being retarded and annoying, they play it on whatever insipid pop station home depot and pretty much every other store i go to is tuned to and whenever it's on, the gross, awkward kid that i work with will sing along to it, so now i can't even think about that song without hearing that kid singing it.

his name is kevin, too. hahaha

and i do like one killers song ... "smile like you mean it" - it wasn't played on the radio nearly as much as all of their other songs and was actually goos as opposed to being that whole ... campiness thing that they do.
I had the same feeling you have now when they overplayed that gay-ass Coldplay track 'the Hardest Part'. I think the completely idiotic lyrics did it for me, especially when you heard morons praising them for being so 'deep'. I'm sorry but:

"The Hardest Part
Was Letting Go Not Taking Part
It was the Hardest Pahahaaart

And the Strangest Thing
Was Waiting for that Bell to Ring
It was the Strangest Stahahaaart"

Now, those are just a hastily-cobbled together shit-lyrics of the lowest order. But coming from coldplay, that's brilliant! Especially with the inspired vocals!
The Talking Heads
The Smashing Pumpkins
The Moody Blues
The Cars
The Sex Pistols
Los Lobos
The Butthole Surfers
The Dead Milkmen

but wait!

The Melvins don't suck. Neither do The Gipsy Kings. Old The Misfits was pretty ok as well.
The Black Angels are awesome.

The Geto Boys are legendary.

The County Medical Examiners are grindy.