i'm glad

Faelivrin said:
anja: you are a person so i respect you and i don't want to hurt you... and you can say what you think... but i don't want to argue with someone so before it starts i go out... there were times in my life when i had an argues and it always hurted me so much... even small bad opinins can hurt me... i shouldn't write it but it's true... ehh....
thank you for nice words... you even do not know how you helped me now... and you irene... these days i have no one to talk... it is hard when you are almost depressed and feel very sad and can't talk to nobody...
hm.. maybe it is a little bit selfish what i say... but my best friend sait it too... i think i am veery strong person... i try all my short life to live it in the best way... but nowdays it is really hard... i won't say why here... nobody wants to know and i don't want everybody to know this... ah.. i shouldn't write anything... somebody will say that it is needless and i should make blog and there talk about my stupid feelings... ehh........ tonight i will go to sleep and i will know there are someone who i can talk to... thanks to irene... and enja even if you don't know, you :)

go back to thread: i'm glad i'm not a man :smiling:

You are you. And that's why I dont wanna change your thinking.
I'm not gonna say what you should do.
I think being happy is the same as being beautiful: it has to come from the inside and nobody else can do that.
Dont know if you understand what I mean.
Your emotions are strong and people cannot change that with good meant words, how they even try.

And on topic:
It would be pretty interesting to be a man!
Bastet said:
hmmm, and i thought i was your big role model :waah:

ah, but you are. i want to speak the language of dutch like you my friend. if not that, i might just give up everything in this world right now.

my perception of "paranoid android" is from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. dunno if you've read it, but one of the characters Marvin (also adressed as the "paranoid android" by Zaphod Beeblebrox) is a really miserable robot which's constantly depressed.

now im not saying im not a "paranoid android" in that sense, even though im not. i only wished to reply to your thread, and as i saw your title, the thought of living as Marvin stroke me as more or less unpleasent.

With other words: It's nothing to do with you my dear :Spin:

few weeks ago I got a letter that I got into this one media school (which is pretty ok I guess, not the one I really wanted to get into). Having had the best time of my life these four months that I spent traveling and hanging out, I delayed the school for one year and now I'm saving all the money I can so I could quit my job around feb/march next year and go on the road again before entering the school :Spin:

Btw sorry, I still haven't got more cd's. Once I get them, I'll post one to you immediately :)
Bastet said:
nice prospects! what exactly are you going to study?

I've no clue, honestly :lol:

I think it's mainly all about digital communication, whatever is included in it. like web stuff, but also (mostly I think) visual stuff, graphic design, photoshopping and things... there's also a possibility of concentrating on 3d-stuff and the likes. I really dunno. I guess I'll find out in a year or so :grin: