i'm glad

I'm glad I'm me and not anyone else, 'cause I love to be me :)
on the other hand I'm glad I'm getting better with every passing day and I'm glad that it's not only me who notices it, but my friends as well!
well kids ...

a meff.. is as you mentioned a scruffy twattish person

where as

a miff.. is correct me if Im wrong anyone.. a coloquialism for the female genitals the minge,fanny,pussy,snatch,crotch etc.

so if someone says "eh love yer miff stinks of trout" he's not admiring your culinary achievement or expensive perfume he is saying you need to shower...or shut your legs.

this episode of Vikki talks shite was brought to you by the letter W and the number 13
I am glad for Anathema exsists!!!
and Pink Floyd, UFO, Lyrnyd Skynyrd, The Eagles! have a great day fellow Anathema fans!